Comments on: Outdoor Etiquette & Nature Manners for Kids Reconnecting families through outdoor activities and adventures. Sat, 11 Nov 2023 06:29:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Katie Sat, 11 Nov 2023 06:29:28 +0000 I don’t agree with most of these. Obviously you should teach kids not to litter or put chemicals in the environment with spray paint but most of these widen the gap between people and nature. Kids should view nature as theirs and be free to trample plants, pick flowers, tear up leaves, skip rocks, break off bark, and eat safe plants to their hearts content. And chasing animals and feeding birds and other safe animals is a part of childhood and learning about the world. It inspires wonder. There’s a smart way to do it such as learning about what is safe.

By: Katie Sat, 11 Nov 2023 06:23:52 +0000 In reply to Denise.

I think nature is meant to be used and if a branch breaks while playing that’s ok. But purposely breaking large parts of the tree off should be stopped. I would allow breaking off small branches or bark bits

By: Michelle Fri, 07 Jan 2022 05:30:00 +0000 In reply to Denise.

Ouch! For my child and his friends, we definitely encourage them to respect nature and that includes not harming them in any way- whether that’s hanging on fragile limbs, damaging roots, or trying to carve into a tree.

Instead, if they find a stick on the ground, I’m all for allowing them to play with that, write their name in the dirt with it, really anything to divert their bundles of energy away from destroying a living thing.

By: Denise Sat, 05 Jun 2021 11:14:04 +0000 We have a book buddies group that meets every week to read books in the woods. We meet at different nature/ wooded areas around our city. The kids can explore and then we read books together. What are your thoughts on kids bending and hanging on very young trees, ripping small branches off small trees and such? I don’t allow my boys to do those things as I teach them that each thriving tree is a living thing. I cringe when I see kids pull branches off a small tree or rip the bark off them. Would you say something? What would you say?
