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Meet the Creative Team
I am beyond excited to announce that we have added 11 amazing women to our Creative Team! This incredibly talented group of mamas will be sharing their adventures, advice and experiences with you here on the website. They’re spread across the US, Canada and the UK, with 36 kids between them (so they know what they’re doing!). They each have a unique voice, a knack for storytelling, gorgeous photography, adventurous souls and a passion for getting their kids (and yours!) outdoors and into nature. They’re a mix of homeschooling moms, professional photographers, travelers, teachers, bloggers, authors, educators and explorers! Starting this summer they’ll be sharing their travels, adventures, crafts, passions, successes (and failures), love and inspiration with you.
Row 1: Krista @kristalii // Nichole @coleyraeh // Kathleen @faithboundtravel
Row 2: Leslie @c_l_allofus // Brandi @brandimarkham // Josée @thebackwoodsmama
Row 3: Meghann @rootedchildhood // Jemma @thimbleandtwig // Tiffany @wild.things.grow
Row 4: Chelsea @dimples.and.the.blonde// Ginny @1000hoursoutside
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