Kids reading outside

10 Must Read Exploration & Adventure Chapter Books For Kids

We’re BIG fans of books around here. We’ve featured the most beautiful picture books about nature, diverse nature books, the best nature-themed holiday books, and even a huge list of educational nature books. As our kids get older and want books that are more substantial than just pretty pictures, we’re moving our young readers into chapter books. But not all chapter books are equal. We love finding chapter books that have a nature theme, lovable characters, and showcase traits that are admirable like courage, curiosity, empathy, bravery, kindness, and tenacity. Today, California mom and founder of Wonder Club ExplorersMichelle Garret is here sharing her son’s favorite 10 chapter books that encourage adventure and exploration. These 10 adventure chapter books are sure to inspire your young reader to keep the pages turning and foster a love of reading (and nature) in your little one. 
10 chapter books that encourage adventure and exploration
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Raising a reader

Developmental milestones are the landmarks of one’s childhood. Learning to crawl, learning to walk, speaking the first word are just a few of the milestones celebrated by parents and grandparents everywhere. As kids transition from their toddler years to early childhood, parents rejoice for the first days of school and the days when you can hike with your child and not carry them!
One important milestone our family is currently experiencing is watching our child develop into a budding reader. We’ve moved past picture books and little stories, two types of books that were easy to source and read together. We’re now venturing into chapter books. We have been on the hunt for books that are not only at the right reading level but also capture our son’s imagination. On top of all of that, I’ve been in search of books that encourage a love for adventure and the outdoors.
Kids reading outside

Benefits of reading

It goes without saying that the benefits of reading are enormous! It is often said that kids are like sponges- they absorb practically everything in their environments. Reading to your kids, with your kids, or having them read to you all boost brain development.  
The act of reading helps to expand vocabulary, develop key concentration and self-discipline skills, can teach kids how to cope with difficult or stressful experiences, and model life lessons. For families that want to encourage their kids to be outdoorsy and adventurous, finding books with these lessons can help reinforce those values.

You can do anything for 20 minutes!

According to education and literacy experts, kids should read (or be read to) at least 20 minutes a day. In truth, there are recommended reading targets for children at different grade levels. In our school, we go by:
  • Pre-K to Kindergarten 10-15 minutes a day
  • Grades 1-3 15-20 minutes a day
  • Grades 4-5 20-30 minutes a day
There are a number of ways kids can meet their target minutes. Kids can try reading before or after school, while traveling in a vehicle, reading aloud to parents, pets, or stuffed animals, or being read to by someone else. As parents, we should also do our part to encourage literacy by reading ourselves. Sadly, according to a BLS study, most American adults find time to read just 17 minutes per day. If we’re asking our kids to read 20 minutes a day, let’s join in on the fun and read, too!

Adventure chapter books for curious courageous kids

If you’re a parent like me, a little bit of a book worm who loves adventure stories, making lists, and gets a thrill from the outdoors, then I’ve got a treat for you. I enjoy picking out books with my seven-year-old (books to hold with your hands, not contained on an e-reader) and having a list of good reads on tap. I’ve compiled a list of books we’ve read together and books we will be tackling soon.

10 outdoor exploration and adventure chapter books for young readers

  1. Kondo & Kezumi by David Goodner
  2. The Wild Robot by Peter Brown
  3. The Minpins by Roald Dahl
  4. Bear Grylls Adventures by Bear Grylls
  5. S.W.I.T.C.H. by Ali Sparkes 
  6. Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lundgrin 
  7. The Boy Who Biked the World by Alastair Humphreys
  8. Alastair Humphreys’ Great Adventurers by Alastair Humphreys 
  9. National Parks of the USA by Kate Siber 
  10. Atlas Obscura for the World’s Most Adventurous Kid by Dylan Thuras & Rosemary Mosco
Each of the adventure chapter books on this list encourages literacy but also features feel-good topics that inspire a love for exploration and the outdoors. There’s nothing like hearing a seven-year-old ask questions about what they read or giggle out loud when something is funny. These reactions may not be milestones in and of themselves, but they are music to a parent’s ears. I hope you take the time to experience the same!
Adventure Chapter Books Fun Nature Book- Kondo & Kezumi

Kondo & Kezumi by David Goodner

This title is new on the scene and was first published in 2020. These early chapter books are full of colorful pictures and are great for young readers. The titular characters are complete opposites, but best friends. One friend is big, the other friend is little. One is adventurous, the other more reserved. Each of the books in the series follows these two lovable characters on outdoor adventures, exploring the unknown and learning how to navigate challenging situations while their friendship and understanding of one another deepen.
Book 2: Kondo & Kezumi Reach Bell Bottom. Book 3: Kondo & Kezumi Are Not Alone

Why did my seven-year-old love these books?

The characters are sweet, their adventures are fun and they teach kids what it means to be brave whether in small moments or epic adventures.
Nature Book Wild Robot - Adventure Chapter Books for Young Readers

The Wild Robot by Peter Brown

Kids today are more technologically savvy than ever. Their fluency with computers and electronics is impressive, if not a sign of the potential for the future. But what happens when nature collides with technology? In the Wild Robot, a robot learns how to survive in the wilderness. To survive anywhere, a person, animal, or thing has to adapt to its surroundings. Rossum, a.k.a. the wild robot, learns from other creatures, becomes part of their natural family, and goes on to foster and protect wildlings from predators or foes. In the process of doing so, the robot gains their trust and the feeling is reciprocated.
Book 2: The Wild Robot Escapes

Why did my seven-year-old love this book?

First, it has a robot. Second, there’s a deserted island filled with talking creatures, each with their own unique personality. This is a beautifully written story and the chapters are short, making it very manageable for an early reader to tackle.
Nature Chapter Books for Kids - Minpins

The Minpins by Roald Dahl

This was the last published book of beloved children’s author, Roald Dahl. The Minpins story follows the brave adventures of a little boy who yearns to explore but (gasp!) is discouraged by his mom. If childhood embodies the possibility of magic for you, then this imaginative story inspired by the countryside will delight you. Nature is meant to be experienced and explored, and The Minpins is a great reminder that there’s no better time than childhood to do that.

Why did my seven-year-old love this book?

He was hanging on to Dahl’s every word to see what surprising twist would happen next. Where was this story going? What would the little boy see next? While not a chapter book, this story is sentimental and features one of the author’s most memorable quotes about the magic of childhood.
Nature Books Bear Grylls Adventures

Bear Grylls Adventures by Bear Grylls

In this 12-book series, Bear Grylls combines children’s fiction with outdoor survival skills. With locations and nature events ranging from rivers and blizzards to volcanos and earthquakes, kids will experience the energy and expert advice from one of the best-known modern-day adventures. Bear’s passion for empowering others to find their own adventure is evident in each short chapter of each book in the series.
Bear Grylls The Complete Adventures Collection 12 Books Set

Why did my seven-year-old love this book?

Who doesn’t live a little vicariously through Bear Grylls? He’s smart, knowledgeable, experienced, and has a very approachable manner for people of all ages- including, and especially, kids. Moreover, his message “In the wild, you’re stronger together” is another way of encouraging important life lessons like teamwork and collaboration.
Best Chapter Books for Adventurous Kids - S.W.I.T.C.H. Series

S.W.I.T.C.H. by Ali Sparkes

If your kids like to bug out with nature and don’t mind creepy-crawlies, amphibians, and lizards of the sort, then the S.W.I.T.C.H. series will be perfect for your littles. If your child is into science, even better. The S.W.I.T.C.H. series follows the nature and science adventures of two twins and their best friend. The twins live next to a mad scientist who develops potions to switch humans into a variety of animals. The Serum Which Imitates Total Cellular Hijack (SWITCH) sets in motion these fast-paced chapter books. 
S.W.I.T.C.H (Book 1)

Why did my seven-year-old love these books?

Each book in the S.W.I.T.C.H. Series highlights a different creature- newts, geckos, turtles, anacondas, crazy flies, and chameleons. If you have a curious kid who is fascinated by nature then they’ll especially love these books because they are chock-full of fascinating facts about the natural world.
Nature-Inspired Chapter Books for Kids - Pippi Longstocking

Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lundgrin

First published in 1945, Pippi Longstocking is an unconventional story about a nine-year-old girl named Pippi. She is the daughter of a pirate and lives by herself. Pippi Longstocking is bold, playful, unpredictable, and bears superhuman strength. The Pippi Longstocking adventure stories have entertained for decades. Pippi dances to the beat of her own drum and is as independent as they come.
This might seem an unusual choice for a modern-day booklist, but if you want to pique your child’s interest in reading with tall tales about adventures, Pippi Longstocking is a fun addition to any bookshelf. If you’re lucky enough to find a copy of the 1969 television/movie series, watching these after reading the books is a fun treat to reward a young reader.

More: Pippi in the South Seas and Pippi Goes On Board

Why did my seven-year-old enjoy these books?

Pippi is hilariously funny and her adventures are madcap. These two qualities were enough to capture his attention and his imagination.
Adventure Books for Young Reader - Boy Who Biked The World

The Boy Who Biked the World by Alastair Humphreys

This adventure chapter book is for the kids whose heads aren’t in the clouds but in an atlas!  This story follows a young kid who one day decides to cycle around the world. It’s actually a caricature of the author himself, British Adventurer Alastair Humphreys, and his own famous circumnavigation of the world on his bike. Both educational and entertaining, this book covers a variety of subjects including geography, religion, languages, and a number of other subjects all under one cover. It also demonstrates important life lessons like perseverance and following one’s dreams.
Book 2: The Boy Who Biked the World: Part Two: Riding the Americas
Book 3: The Boy Who Biked the World: Part Three: Riding Home through Asia

Why does my seven-year-old like this book?

This is a nice blend of biography interwoven with geography and history. My son loves Nat Geo documentaries so this is a great way to introduce new subjects in book form.
Nature Books Alastair Humphreys Great Adventurers

Alastair Humphreys’ Great Adventurers by Alastair Humphreys

While not technically a chapter book, this is a fantastic book to read as a break from longer books. Alastair Humphrey’s Great Adventurers is a pictorial showcase of some of history’s greatest adventurers. The people profiled in this book include men and women who have ventured into space, oceans, deserts, and jungles. Profiles include people like Sacagawea and Amelia Earhart as well as Jacques Picard and Thor Heyerdahl, there are 20 profiles in total that retrace the steps of these great adventurers, their essential skills, and what they packed. It’s enough to inspire a little wanderlust in anybody.

Why did my seven-year-old enjoy this book?

It’s great to learn about new role models and how ordinary people can do extraordinary things.
Nature Books National Parks of the USA

National Parks of the USA by Kate Siber

The National Parks of the USA book is beautiful enough for a coffee table collection. But books are meant to be read, not just sit on a table, so crack that book open! Inside readers take a tour of America’s great outdoors and discover America’s great parks. Each National Park highlighted features maps and facts about fauna and flora unique to the park’s location. This book is sure to spark an interest in travel and the outdoors.
Accompanying activity book: National Parks of the USA: Activity Book

Why did my seven-year-old enjoy this book?

He is now at the age when he remembers our travels. He’s had the opportunity to visit the Grand Canyon,  Zion, and Mount Rushmore so his thirst for adventure travel is growing. I didn’t get to travel much as a kid myself, so to experience it with him is a blessing.
Nature Books Atlas Obscura for the World's Most Adventurous Kid

Atlas Obscura for the World’s Most Adventurous Kid by Dylan Thuras & Rosemary Mosco

The Atlas Obscura for the World’s Most Adventurous Kid features 100 extraordinary places to visit in 47 countries. This was a book that my son and I read together. We would drop pins into a globe to track all of the countries we visited throughout the book.  It was remarkable to read about the unique and odd places that exist all over the world. Homeschooling parents will especially appreciate the companion educator’s guide to complement the passages in the book.

Why did my seven-year-old enjoy this book?

We eventually started making a game out of this book. He would read passages and the adults in his life would show him how to use context clues to guess the country or continent he read about. He loved it when he could stump us!
Nature Books Boy Reading Outside

Reading strategies

As your emerging reader starts tackling chapter books, I’m here to say that some days are easier than others. To encourage your kids to stretch their reading abilities, sometimes we take turns reading pages. Or, maybe we take breaks and find a nice place to read outside, in the grass, on a bench, or perched atop a big rock.
Even though my seven-year-old is learning to sound out more challenging words, developing cadence, and every once in a while incorporating character voices, I still like to read stories to him. Listening to stories read by someone else and checking for reading comprehension are great ways to build up a child’s literacy. At the end of the day, it is good to encourage reading as a fun activity and not a chore.
Wonder Club Explorers Super Reader Patch

Earn a Super Readers patch! 

The benefits of reading are enormous! The benefits of being outdoors are huge! When you combine the two together, it’s like magic. It is an understatement to say that there are too many books and too little time to get through them all. 
The knowledge, joy, and wonder contained inside the pages of books are just a few of the reasons why the Super Reader merit patch is one of the first 18 patches to be released as part of the Wonder Club Explorers program. Wonder Club Explorers is an independent scouting program for kids. Through Wonder Club Explorers, kids earn colorful patches doing age-appropriate activities with parents and caregivers. And, yep, reading is one of them! 

Make reading fun

Remember, reading is fundamental and should be fun! We hope you enjoy the adventure chapter books on this list and even more so, we hope they inspire your little one to get outdoors, go explore and find adventure! Have fun exploring and remember to tag #runwildmychild. Until next time!

About the author

Michelle spends her days working on projects to improve the quality of life for the citizens of her community and her nights reading books to her 6-year-old about every kind of dinosaur there ever was (there are 900 validated species, in case you’re wondering). Together with her son, Michelle created Wonder Club Explorers, a company to inspire wonder and curiosity in kids. She carves out time for herself on the weekends as an early morning exerciser and metalsmith of fine jewelry. Michelle is also the co-host of the Run Wild My Child podcast. She resides in Altadena with her husband and son amongst California Oak trees and a stone’s throw of the San Gabriel Mountains. 

You can find Michelle online in the following locations:
Instagram: @wonderclubexplorers
RWMC posts: Outdoor Etiquette & Nature Manners for KidsOutdoor Resolutions for Nature KidsHow to Cultivate Nature-Inspired Literacy in Kids, Sandcastle Building 101



2 responses to “10 Must Read Exploration & Adventure Chapter Books For Kids”

  1. […] The Magic Tree House books, for children aged 6 to 8, detail Jack and Annie’s adventures throughout history, from the Ice Age to the Ancient Greeks, and are a good place for them to start their chapter book adventure. […]

  2. […] will enjoy this action-packed graphic novel. A group of girls wishes she were on Neverland in these thrilling chapter book adventures, where they meet Tinker Bell and the fairies. Cam Jansen, a young girl with an extraordinary […]

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