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40 Beach Games for Kids
Are you headed to the beach this summer? Maybe you’re taking that long-awaited vacation, or you live along the shore and are eager to enjoy the sunshine and refreshing water close to home. Whatever the case may be, you’ll want to keep the kids busy so that you can enjoy your time as well! While the beach alone is a great playground for kids, having an arsenal of beach games prepared will help you get the most out of your day! Today, Lissy Perna of Get Outside Cape Cod, is here sharing her family’s favorite 40 beach games for kids. I hope your family loves playing them as much as we do!
Fun beach games and activities for kids
There’s no denying the sheer magic of a day at the beach. The sand beneath your toes, the salty breeze tousling your hair, and the boundless horizon stretching before you – these are the ingredients for a perfect family getaway. And what better way to infuse even more joy into your seaside beach vacation than with a medley of exciting beach games that will have your kids giggling, splashing, and creating memories to last a lifetime?
In this sun-soaked realm of endless possibilities, we’ve curated a treasure trove of awesome beach games that promise to transform ordinary sand into a canvas of laughter and adventure. Whether your little ones are aspiring sandcastle architects, curious beachcombers, or budding athletes ready to conquer the shoreline, we’ve got a game for every beach-loving heart.
So, grab your sunscreen, pack your buckets, and let’s dive into a world where imagination knows no bounds and the only rule is to have an absolute blast under the sun! Take your next beach trip up a level with these fun games and activities.
40+ beach games for kids
- Building sandcastles
- Beach scavenger hunt
- Play catch
- Journey to the center of the Earth
- Ladder golf
- Beach bowling
- Make a mermaid
- Sand angels
- Seashell hunt
- Fly a kite
- River at the beach
- Beach clean up
- Cross net
- Boogie boarding
- I Spy
- Towel tug of war
- Buried treasure
- Mandalas
- Surfer dudes
- Musical towels
- Ice cream shop
- Creature hunt
- Water balloon fight
- Beach books
- Kan Jam
- Paint shells
- Hula hoop games
- Skipping stones
- Cornhole
- Pebble tower
- Simon says
- Cloud gazing
- Crabbing
- Blow bubbles
- Obstacle course
- Limbo
- Sand tic-tac-toe
- Relay races
- Spikeball
- Uno Splash
1. Building sandcastles
What is a more quintessential beach game than building sand castles? Kids of all ages (including adults) love getting creative and building sandcastles. You can use beach buckets to form castles or get creative with your tools! My boys have used Tupperware from home, plastic cups, or even filling empty shells with damp sand to create castles. Another favorite way to make sandcastles is to use the “drip method” by using very watery sand; drip a mound of sand until it resembles an abstract castle. Decorate your castles with shells, seaweed, or driftwood!
For amazing tips from sandcastle-building experts, check out this post on Sandcastle Building with Kids.
2. Beach scavenger hunt
Plan and print out a scavenger hunt for the beach. This is a fun and easy game for younger kids and all family members. We’ve included a free beach scavenger hunt in our Scavenger Hunt Bundle! If you’re familiar with sea life, you can create a nature-themed one yourself using common marine life in your area. Another beach treasure hunt could include a list of items commonly found at the beach, such as boats, beach umbrellas, lifeguard towers, or other similar items. Kids will have a blast checking things off their lists while exploring their surroundings. What other nature-themed items could be included in a beach scavenger hunt?
3. Play catch
Catch is a fun game for the whole family that can be played anywhere, with just about anything. This activity is a simple game, but it appeals to all ages! Whether you bring a football, a tennis ball, or even a baseball and your gloves, it will keep the kids busy and entertained for hours! My kids like challenging themselves to see how many passes they can make without dropping the ball. Here is a fun beach set that we recently purchased and my kids love! Throw it in your beach bag and break it out whenever the kids are ready for some action!
4. Journey to the center of the Earth
This is a fun game for kids of all ages. The object of the game is to see who can dig the deepest hole! That’s it! Grab your shovels and get to work! Guaranteed to be fun, entertaining, and wear those kids out! Just be sure to fill the hole in before you leave so no one accidentally falls in!
5. Ladder golf
If you haven’t heard of ladder toss before, maybe you’ve been living in that giant hole you just dug! Ladder toss (or ladder golf) requires that each player toss a set of two rubber balls attached by a string (called a bolo) across 15 feet to land around one of the three rungs on the ladder. The first player (or team) to reach exactly 21 points wins. The tricky parts are not going over 21 points and expertly aiming for each rung since they each have different point values: The top is worth 3 points, the middle is worth 2 and the bottom is worth 1.
6. Beach bowling
This is a simple game that can be played a few different ways. One way would be to have the players dig a set of small holes and roll a ball into one of them. Award points according to the difficulty of getting to a hole, and be sure to use a lightweight ball to increase the level of difficulty. Or, if you fill and set up plastic water bottles and roll a ball to see how many pins you can knock over (like traditional bowling).
7. Make a beach mermaid
Create your mermaid sculpture in the sand by carving out her tail and long beachy locks with your hands. You can even bury someone up to their arms in sand and create the mermaid effect on their bottom half. Add shells for decoration, seaweed hair, rocks for eyes, or any other creative additions you can think of! The kids will let their imagination flow, and you will be impressed with how different everyone’s mermaids look! Bonus points if you give your mermaid a beach-themed name!
8. Sand angels
Making sand angels is one of the easiest and most fun activities for kids. All you have to do to make sand angels is simply lay flat on their backs and flap their arms to make angel wings. If you want to take it to the next level, decorate your angel’s wings with shells.
9. Seashell hunt
For this fun beach game, challenge the kids to search the beach and collect as many different shells as possible. You can also make it a competition by challenging the kids to get the biggest shell or the maximum number of shells. Once you’ve collected shells, you can identify them and learn about them through a shell ID app.
10. Fly a kite
Is the weather forecast predicting a breezy day at the beach? Then you’re in luck because a bit of wind makes a perfect day for flying a kite! Kiting is a healthy and active outdoor activity for kids that is usually very low-cost and budget-friendly. Spending time outside means that kids get a healthy dose of Vitamin D from sunlight. Flying a kite also provides exercise for your child’s body as they chase. It’s wonderful for hand-eye coordination, kinesthetic awareness, and gross motor skills. Kite flying also helps strengthen the eyes, as they focus far and near, observing and controlling the kite’s flight.
For more information on the best way to fly a kite, the best kites for kids, and more, check out our full post on Kite Flying with Kids.
11. River at the beach
Provide your kids with beach shovels and buckets and have them dig a river on the beach! Kids will love digging narrow trenches on the sand close to the water to create a river that will hold water and float objects to the sea. Use the buckets full of water to make a flowing stream through the trenches and float a small boat (or ball or piece of driftwood) down the river. Get creative and make it curvy, or add a sand dam to hold the water back and release it all at once.
12. Clean up the beach
Wait! Before you ignore this suggestion, consider the fantastic example you will set for your children by participating in an activity that shows them how to take care of our oceans. Fostering a love of nature and caring for our planet is so important; why not make it fun by doing a beach cleanup? Your kids will be proud of themselves, and mother earth will thank you. Remember to bring hand sanitizer, gloves, and your trash bags. You’ll have a great time, inspire other beachgoers to do the same, and make your beach day feel great!
13. Cross net
Cross net is when beach volleyball meets four square. This game is a ton of fun for older kids and adults. It’s set up for 4+ players; the first to reach 11 points is the winner. While this set is definitely a bit bigger to lug around than some of the others, it’s still relatively easy to assemble and carry, so you can take it with you as long as you have a little extra space.
14. Boogie boarding
Surfing on the waves or floating in the tide pools is a great way to spend the day at the beach. Boogie boards are great for all ages and are generally inexpensive, lightweight, and easy to carry to and from the beach. We even use our boards as makeshift seats when having our picnic lunch. I recommended the boogie boards with the Velcro wrist strap so the board doesn’t float away into the open ocean. This strap is also helpful for giving each other rides on the boogie boards in the shallow water.
Check out our full post for more information on Boogie Boarding with Kids.
15. I spy
An “I Spy” game can be played anywhere, but somehow it can be the most fun at the beach! With younger children, we like to play the color version of this game (“I spy, with my little eye, something orange!”), and for older kids, the letter version is also fun (“I spy, with my little eye, something that starts with the letter L”). The first person to guess correctly gets to pick the next object. There are SO many things to find at the beach, from seagulls to crabs, lifeguards, beach toys, and maybe even an ice cream truck.
16. Towel tug of war
Kids love playing tug of war. At the beach, you can stir up their competitive side with mention of this challenge. You’ll need at least two players to get this game started, but it’s more fun with four or more people. Start things off by putting a marker on the sand — a stick, line in the sand, or pool noodle can be ideal. Now both teams try their hardest to pull the towel hard enough to pull the other team across the line. The best of 3 out of 5 rounds wins!
17. Buried treasure
Round up your little pirates and have them spend some time searching for buried treasure. You can use play or real coins and bury these in the sand, or even go the extra mile and find a makeshift treasure chest that you can fill with goodies. Give the kids shovels and let them dig to find the treasure. To make the game feel more authentic, create a treasure map with clues and hand one out to each participant.
18. Make a mandala
With all the bits and bobs you can find at the beach, why not create ephemeral art with them? Collect rocks, shells, feathers, seaweed, driftwood, and even pieces of molted crab shells into your beach bucket. All these beach finds would be great additions to a mandala. Use what you find to create a circle or art, in any way that floats your boat! But quick, take a photo of your mandala before the tide washes it away. You can ask your kids to create their mandalas or work on a large one together; either way, you will produce a great memory by creating this piece of art!
For more information, check out our full post on Making Nature Mandalas with Kids.
19. Surfer dudes
Surfer Dudes are an award-winning surf toy that’s so much fun for kids to play with at the beach. All you need to do is toss the Surfer Dudes into the waves and watch them go! The little surfer dude surfs the waves and (like boomerang magic) comes right back to you on shore! No batteries or wind-up is required – uses the energy of the surf.
20. Musical towels
Remember the age-old game of musical chairs? Well, this one is very similar! Spread out your beach towels in a circle, and play some music. Have the kids circle the towels, and when the music stops, everyone has to jump onto a towel. Whoever is left without a spot to sit is OUT! Make it fun for the ejected player by allowing them to control the music on the next round. If you don’t have enough kids in your own family to play this game, consider inviting other beachgoers to participate! Making friends at the beach makes these beach games even more fun!
You can also play this game with beach chairs, if you have enough.
21. Ice cream shop
My kids LOVE playing imagination games, and “restaurant/ice cream shop” at right up there at the top. We love this set of ice cream shop beach toys, which the kids use to inspire hours of imaginary ice cream shop play. They love creating the shop counter out of sand, finding shells to use as money, serving customers, and pretending to run the ice cream shop.
22. Creature hunt
This activity is my favorite game on the beach, even as an adult. Exploring tide pools or walking along the rocky edge of the shore, you will undoubtedly find small sea creatures who call the beach home. You may find starfish, hermit crabs, sea worms, or even small fish! Make it a game by challenging your children to identify what they find, see who can find the most hermit crabs, etc. Remember to release animals you catch or just look instead of capturing them. However you play this game, you will undoubtedly find something fascinating!
23. Water balloon fight
There’s nothing better on a warm summer’s day than getting competitive with a water balloon fight! And this can definitely be taken with you to the beach! We recommend reusable and refillable water balloons, so there’s no mess to clean up or potential plastic harm to the environment. You could also use water balloons for other games, including water balloon baseball!
24. Beach books
Another favorite beach activity for me is reading, but I know that is only sometimes a child’s favorite thing to do at the beach. Create a cozy nook for your kids to read a book; it might be more appealing. We like to bring a pop-up tent and our favorite beach blanket to make a cozy rest area, and this would be the perfect spot to read a book. Bonus points if the books are beach-themed! For babies or toddlers, consider bringing the waterproof style books that you can use in the tub; this way, they won’t be damaged by the water and can be easily cleaned up if they get sandy.
25. Kan Jam
Kan Jam is a great game to take to the beach! Played similarly to cornhole or horseshoes, the object of this frisbee game is to toss the disc toward the goal (a can with a hole in the side) and, with the help of your partner, Jam it in the Kan! First to 21 points WINS. This is a lightweight and durable disc golf set that travels well and is easy to set up so you can play in seconds.
26. Paint shells or beach rocks
Painting can be a great activity anywhere, but it’s super fun at the beach! Most of the time, we use acrylic paint so it will stay on the rocks and not wash away. However, when we take this activity to the beach, I recommend using non-toxic watercolor paint! This way, there won’t be a mess, and you won’t harm sea life with toxic paint. The watercolor will not stay on the rocks, but the painting process is entertaining enough!
27. Hula hoop games
There are so many fun ways to play with hula hoops at the beach. You can definitely use a hula hoop in the traditional way around your waist, but that’s just the beginning. You can organize a friendly hula hoop contest to see who can keep the hoop spinning the longest. Try different tricks and techniques to keep things exciting. Use the hula hoop as the limbo bar. Have participants take turns bending backward and trying to pass under the hula hoop without touching it. Set up targets in the sand and challenge each other to toss the hula hoop and land it around the target. Assign different point values to each target for added competition. Create a ring toss game using the hula hoop as the target. Toss smaller rings or pool noodles to try and ring the hula hoop. Play a game of Twister by laying the hula hoop on the sand and designating different colored spots. Hold the hula hoop horizontally and swing it like a jump rope. Challenge each other to jump through the rotating hoop without touching it.
28. Skipping stones
Skipping stones is a fantastic beach game for children and adults alike. Ask your children to hunt for the best stones, the ones that are flat and smooth, and show them how to toss them parallel to the water to create the best skipping effect. With older children, make it a challenge to see who can get the highest number of skips! Another idea is to collect stones ahead of time from your yard, the park, etc., and bring them to the beach to have a skipping competition!
For more information on this fun beach activity, check out our full post on Skipping Stones with Kids.
29. Cornhole
Cornhole has become a trendy lawn game in recent years; why not take it to the beach, too? Make sure that if you’re bringing it to the beach, the materials it is constructed with can withstand water and outdoor elements! We like this version that’s collapsible and folds up small (because you’re already packing a LOT to go to the beach with kids). Cornhole is one of those fun family beach games that you can play again and again. The first team to earn 21 points wins! You can even host a cornhole tournament on the beach if you have enough people!
30. Pebble tower
One thing you’ll probably find an abundance of at most beaches is rocks. You can practice your balance and test your steady hand by trying to stack the rocks to create cairns or pebble towers. See who can construct the tallest tower! But remember, you must disassemble your towers before you leave the beach, so make sure to snap a photo of your creations and then put the rocks back where you found them.
31. Simon says
Play a game of Simon Says with beach-themed commands, like “Simon says jump like a dolphin” or “Simon says make a sand angel.” “Simon says jump over the pretend waves.” or “Simon says balance on one leg like a flamingo.” Remember to keep the commands light-hearted and creative to make the game more enjoyable. The beach-themed Simon Says game adds an interactive and imaginative element to your beach day, promoting active play and laughter among kids of all ages.
32. Cloud gazing
If you need a break from these fantastic beach games and activities, consider this lazy activity that requires you to lie down! Lie on your back in your beach chair or towel, and gaze into the sky to see what cloud shapes you can find! This activity works best on semi-cloudy days, but wear eye protection regardless of the weather. You never know what you might find, a dragon, a bunny wearing a top hat, or even a pirate ship!
33. Crabbing
This specific activity might only work for some beaches, but it works very well if there is a rocky jetty along the beach you are visiting. You will need a piece of string, a clothespin, and some deli meat to create a crab fishing line. Tie the string to the end of the clothespin, and clip a small piece of deli meat in the clothespin. Lower the fishing line into the crevices in the jetty and see who bites! We have caught green, lady, and even an occasional blue crab this way. We do not keep the crabs we catch but release them after checking them out. They are surprisingly exciting creatures!
34. Blow bubbles
What kid doesn’t like blowing bubbles? This activity can be a great beach game for kids if the wind isn’t too strong! Remember that the bubbles will float down the beach, so keep your neighbors in mind! My favorite thing about blowing bubbles on the beach is that the mess is not a problem. Jump in the water to wash off the bubble solution if there is a spill. My kids like to make it challenging to see who can blow a giant bubble.
For more bubbletastic fun, bubble accessories, and DIY bubble solution, be sure to check out our full post on Bubbles with Kids.
35. Obstacle course
So now that you’ve lugged all your beach toys, boogie boards, and towels onto the beach, why not create a game using all the pieces at once? Challenge your kids to create their obstacle course! Jump over shovels, fill a pail with sand, roll over your beach blanket, and crawl under the beach tent. This activity is engaging and can spark their creative side!
36. Beach limbo
Grab a stick and challenge kids to limbo! Take turns letting the kid go under the stick (walking forwards and bending backwards) as the height gradually decreases. The last person to make it under without falling over wins!
37. Tic-tac-toe
Draw a tic-tac-toe board in the sand and challenge your kids to a classic game! Tic-Tac-Toe is one of those games that’s easy enough for preschoolers, yet is still competitive enough to entertain older kids and adults. You can use sticks to draw the board in the sand and then use seashells or rocks as game pieces. Just wipe the board clean and start over when someone wins.
38. Beach relay races
Beach relay races will add some laughter and friendly competition to your day at the beach. Create your teams or set up individual challenges. Have the kids race each other to the finish line forward, backward, sideways, and doing crabwalks. If you have enough people, set up a water bucket relay where you pass a plastic cup of water and fill a bucket at the end (the team that spills the least and goes the fastest wins).
39. Spikeball
There’s a reason Spikeball is one of the fastest-growing games you think of when you think of beach games. It’s like beach volleyball, except that you bounce the ball on a mini trampoline rather than over a net. Also, you don’t have to worry about staying on your side of the court! It’s easy to set up anywhere and can be transported in a light drawstring bag.
40. Uno Splash
For the beach, we also love UNO Spash, which is all the same rules as traditional UNO, only in a waterproof package. Now you don’t have to worry about ruining your cards with sand or water damage. It comes on a convenient clip that is great for keeping track of all of the cards and hooking them to your beach bag.
Best beach games and activities for kids
I hope some of these ideas for beach games and activities will help you and your kids have a wonderful time at the beach. Having an arsenal of the best games and activities ready is a fun way to ensure everyone has a good time. But the best part about a day at the beach with your family and friends is the priceless time you will spend together and the memories you’re creating!
Are you ready for a day of beach games with your kids?
About the author
Lissy lives near the ocean on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, with her husband, 2 rambunctious boys (aged 4 & 7), and an ever-growing number of pets. She grew up walking nature trails and finding joy in the beauty of nature. She now shares that love for local adventures with her community through her blog, “Get Outside Cape Cod.” Lissy knows that everyone can benefit from spending more time outdoors and wants to inspire and support families to do just that!
You can find more from Lissy in the following online locations:
Instagram: @getoutsidecapecod
Website: Get Outside Cape Cod
Facebook: @getoutsidecapecod
RWMC Posts: Lissy Perna
4 responses to “40 Beach Games for Kids”
The website’s user-friendly interface is a breath of fresh air. I can easily find what I’m looking for without any hassle, which makes my beach games experience all the more enjoyable.
The website’s user-friendly interface is a breath of fresh air. I can easily find what I’m looking for without any hassle, which makes my beach games experience all the more enjoyable.
[…] addition to regular beach activities like relaxing and swimming, encourage your kids to play imaginative games. A beach-friendly art kit contains paper, coloured pencils, and non-toxic paints, so you can do […]
[…] Beach volleyball is always a hit with adults and older kids. […]
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