10 Tips for Taking Amazing Photos of Your Kids at the Beach

Summer will be here before we know it and I know lots of you are already planning your upcoming beach adventures. Today, we have the amazing Jeanni from JKutz Photography sharing all the tips, tricks and advice you need to know for capturing amazing photos of your kids on the beach. Make sure you read this awesome tutorial on beach photography before your trip and keep all these things in mind when capturing your cuties in the sand this summer.

10 tips for taking amazing beach photos of your kids

The mountains or the sea? Where does your photographer’s heart call you to go? While I love the mountain views, there is something about those ocean waves that keep me coming back over and over again. The beach is truly a magical place and a great one for photographers. One of my most favorite things to do while sitting on the sandy shores is to capture images of my crew. I’ve learned a lot about what to do (and what not to do) when photographing kids on the beach. Here are my top 10 tips for capturing beautiful beachy images of your family.

how to get great beach photos of your kidsbeach photography tutorial

10. Avoid high mid-day sun

I know, you have heard this a thousand times, but there is a reason photographers avoid the super-bright mid-day sun. That harsh bright sun creates harsh bright photos. And although we (as beach-goers) hate those overcast beach days, they’re much more photograph-friendly. If you are looking to create softer light airy beach photos, try photographing on a slightly overcast day. Beautiful beach photos happen when the bright sun is a bit muted by some cloud cover.

how to take great beach photos of kidsmust take beach photos of kids

9. Be patient

Sit back, relax and wait for the right moment. Some of my favorite beach photos were taken when no one realized the camera was around. I like to sit a distance away from my children and watch them play. Forcing a cute playful moment often ends in frustration, tears and resentment of the camera. Try sitting back from the action and observing. You are guaranteed to see the magic moments unfold before your eyes and will be better prepared to grab the camera when the time is right.

tips for taking photos of kids at the beachbeach photo tutorial and tips

8. Small can be mighty

Like every mom out there, I think my littles are the star of the show. I often fill the entire frame with their sweet beach babe bodies. Although these images are adorable, over time they can all look the same. I have to remind myself to mix up my shots by stepping back and capturing the entire scene. Try making your littles a small part of the shot by filling the frame with more of the beach. This is a great way to capture the entire experience of your beach trip.

how to take awesome photos of kids at the beachadvice for taking photos of kids at the beachmust take beach photos of kids

7. Find the path less taken

Half the fun is getting there, am I right? The path leading to the beach might just have as much charm and beauty as the sandy shore itself. Take time to look around for that dreamy spot just before you reach the shores. You will end up with great views of the sea in your background.

tips for bright fun beach photos of kidsbeach photography tutorialbeach photography kids tutorial

6. Get cheesy

Getting that creative praise-worthy photo is every mom/photographer dreams. Candid images that tell a story are all the rage, which means cheesy posed images get a bad rep. However, sometimes a good old-fashioned stand there and smile photo is so worth it. Especially if you have young children that are always on the move because it can be really difficult to capture their sweet face. There is nothing wrong with a classic stand there and say “cheese” at the camera kind of photo.

how to capture the best beach photos of kidschild beach photo tutorial

5. Find the small details

As much as I love capturing the entire scene, I really love zooming in on the small details of the beach. Not only will the detailed pictures help you remember the way the sand felt in-between your toes, it will also give a good amount of variety of your gallery of beach images. Pay attention to those details and be sure to capture the tiny little details you never want to forget.

photography tips for taking pictures of kids at the beach10 tips for taking amazing beach photos of your kids

4. Sunrise can equal sunset

There’s a reason you see so many classic beach sunset photos – sunsets can be epic. We all love the pastel colors that paint the sky and we’ve all tried to capture that beauty as our kids frolic and play. But, depending on the direction the beach faces, the sunrise can actually create better images than the sunset. If the beach looks out towards the West, try photographing the “sunset” photo in the morning. When the sun is low, the landscape can block some of the harsh sun that is often found on open beaches.

how to get great sunset shot at the beachbeach photos sunrise and sunsetphotography tutorial for beach sunsets and sunrises

3. Look for the quiet moments

The best beach moments don’t always happen on the beach with a sand shovel in hand or while the littles are jumping in the waves. Napping on the beach often results in a frame-worthy photo. As do beach picnics, snack breaks and all the little moments in between the action when the kids are resting and refueling.

10 tips for taking amazing beach photos of your kids10 tips for taking amazing beach photos of your kids10 tips for taking amazing beach photos of your kids

2. Get directional

Do you have a perfect beach photo in your mind that you desperately want to create? Me too! Help your children create that image by positioning them where you want them and letting them know just what you would like them to do. Use gentle encouraging directions to get the shot you envision. Start by pointing out a perfect spot on the beach where the light is just right. Then suggest that your crew build a sand castle there or have them pick up that super cute floaty. Need them to turn and face the ocean? Ask if they see any dolphins jumping in the waves. Get creative and they’ll never know that this is all part of a plan.

beach photography tutorialkids beach photo tutorial

1. Keep it simple

Cutting out the clutter of a beach trip will absolutely give your images a more editorial and stylized look. I am in no way suggesting not to pack all the coolers and bags. You need those! However, when it comes time to capture that perfect beach image, leave them out of the shot. Try having all the beach chairs, towels, and fun floats behind you or off to the side so they’re not in all your images.  Move the kids away from the gear, for a few shots. If you have a lens with a longer focal lens, try zooming in or moving closer to cut out that clutter. One or two cute beach toys might be just perfect, but three or more is definitely a crowd.

10 tips for taking amazing beach photos of your kids10 tips for taking amazing beach photos of your kids

More photography resources

If you’re interested in more photography resources, download our FREE guide with our best tips and tricks for taking better photos of your kids’ outdoor adventures with the camera on your PHONE! From creative composition tips to our favorite editing apps, this guide includes everything you need to know to make the most out of the camera in your pocket!  



Jeanni, originally born and raised in St. Paul MN, has traveled the country and world searching for a place to call home. She is a mom to a crew of 4 littles; 1 boy and 3 girls. After a 7 year career as an early childhood teacher, Jeanni is now proud to be working as a full-time mom. The bittersweet emotions of watching her children grow motivated her to pick up a camera and become a photographer. Photography is her heart’s work and she loves to capture joyful, natural moments. As a lover of natural light, Jeanni strives for fresh and airy images. She also has a deep love for her husband, a strong cup of coffee, the color white, and all things vintage. It is truly her great joy to share her work with you at jkutzphotography.com.


4 responses to “10 Tips for Taking Amazing Photos of Your Kids at the Beach”

  1. I remember having to move heaven and earth to get the Nikon D40X to popup the flash when it thought I should not be doing so. I had to fake it into thinking I was doing something else first, then keep the flash up once it was up. Solution, – buy the D300 and tell the camera to do as you want it to do. The good AND the bad news is, it will

  2. These are some great tips. I think that it is important to get some great photographs whilst on holiday. You are making memories after all, so getting the right shot is important. Not just the usual legs on a generic beach shot that tells you nothing about the place you were visiting!

  3. This is very informative. Thanks for sharing your informative article with us. Keep up the fantastic work.
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  4. Joselicé Da Silva

    Your photos are gorgeous! Where were your photographs taken?

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