Making Summer last at the creek

10 Ways to Make Summer Last

Summer’s last weeks are upon us. The shimmering sunlight dancing on water as your children frolic seaside (or lakeside, or creekside) is fading. Soon, the leaves will start changing, the days will get shorter and the temperatures will drop. While fall is my favorite season, I’m certainly not ready to give up summer yet! The last few weeks of summer have the potential to be the best of the season! Today, we have Creative Team member SarahRuth – Georgia teacher and homeschooling mom of two – here with 10 ways you can make summer last and get the most of the final few weeks of this magical time of year. 

Make Summer Last

10 ways to enjoy the final weeks of summer

With officially only a few weeks remaining of summer sunshine and play, we’re determined to make summer last as long as possible!  Grab your children, your sunglasses, and your smile….we won’t let you miss out on those last days of summer. Here are ten ways to make summer last and create memories that will last well beyond the seasons!

1. Chase a waterfall

If you are new to this idea, grab hold and run with it! Remember that song, “Don’t go chasing waterfalls….”? Ignore it – that’s terrible advice. You most certainly should chase waterfalls. When dating my husband, he took me to a new waterfall on every date. The sense of wonder and awe as you trek to along a path and hear the rushing water, continuing until it crests into view – it’s priceless.

Where we live, kid-friendly waterfall hikes are often under one mile. Unless your children are older or more used to hiking for longer periods stick with shorter walks on even terrain. Add some floats and you’ve won summer accolades officially! Buckets, small containers, and scoops are welcomed tools at waterfalls for my sons. Summer will certainly last longer when you and your crew make chasing a waterfall happen!

Make Summer last by chasing waterfallsWonder of making summer last

2. Sit in the sunshine

Yes, just sit. On a blanket, or not. Barefoot, or not. On a sunny day or in a sunshower. The benefits of sunlight and sun exposure are innumerable! The list goes on and on; it eases depression and anxiety, lowers blood pressure, enables the production of vitamin D, and more! Merely basking in the sunlight outdoors is an invaluable experience. You don’t need to do anything more than walk out your door. 

But if you’re feeling adventurous, go for a hike. Our family often grabs a favorite book and brings it on hikes. When we arrive at a good resting place, we drop a blanket on the ground, get out a snack, and I read aloud to the kids. Our skin yearns for a good kiss of the sun. Of course, wear a good sunscreen if you intend to show a lot of skin for an extended period. Hammocks also make a great sit spot in the sun. We like to hang some in our yard as well as carry them on hikes. Summer won’t slip away as quickly if you make it sit with you.

Hammocks make Summer last

3. Forest bathe

Not a bath. Well yes, a bath, but a different kind. The bathing that occurs when you let summer linger on your skin and prickle your senses in the woods. Summer will last longer if you dash into the woods headlong and let the greenery embrace you. Believe it or not, forest bathing is a real thing. The term first emerged in Japan and is taking the world by storm.

Did you know that phytoncides are emitted from plants and trees in the forest to protect them from harmful insects and germs? Some say it is what creates that “forest smell”. When you forest bathe, you literally immerse yourself in nature. But sure to cut off your phone and put down the iPad. Disconnect from the world and reconnect with the natural world.

Want to forest bath in the deep end? May I suggest a barefoot bath? Encourage your children to join you. Connect your feet to the earth and experience grounding. Breathe deeply. Close your eyes. Feel the warmth and the coolness of the woods. Allow the trees and the forest canopy to offer something nowhere and no one else can.

Forest bath to make Summer last

4. Water fight

A water fight is a great way to make summer last a bit longer! Do you need instructions? 1. Splash in a river. Laugh. 2. Throw a water balloon at your partner. Laugh more. 3. Jump into the pool and soak everyone poolside. Laugh. 4. Let your children use water guns to soak you….then bring out your super soaker and get them back! Keep laughing! 5. Get out the water hose and give everyone a turn chasing and spraying each other. Laughter galore! 

There really is nothing quite like a water fight to level us onto equal footing with grandparents, babies, and all ages! Whether you do this in the cool of the evening, or in the midday heat, it’s guaranteed to be a favorite! Invite neighbors. Social distancing approved. Everyone wins in a water fight. There is no keeping score, there are no losers. Celebrating with a homemade popsicle is a great finale, by the way. If summer had a magnum opus it would be a great water fight in the back yard, don’t you think?

5. Watch the sunset

Most summers, our family rents a condo on Hilton Head Island. While there, my favorite thing to do is see the sunset and sunrise. Pink, orange, and dusky purple swirl at the horizon. Rain or shine, I ride my bike along the pathways and then onto the beach. I often bring my journal and watercolors along. Every poem I have ever memorized erupts to meet the sunrise and sunset as I watch my children play in the sand.

This year, the current pandemic prevented our summertime escape to the beach. However, our mountains have let us experience new joy. Summer continues to bring us beautiful sunsets as we hike to peaks and watch as another day closes. Not willing that it occur without our happy chatter and watching eyes.

Don’t live in the mountains? No beach trip for you either? That’s okay! The sun sets in the West everywhere! No matter your location, get outside and experience it with your family. Try out a compass. That is a fun way to practice navigating and essential skills while making summer last. Never once have we regretted watching a sunset. Snacks welcome – our favorite is air-popped popcorn, in case you’re wondering.

Make Summer last longer at sunset

6. Dance in the rain

Wellies or not, dancing in the summertime rain should be on your making summer last list! Wriggling worms, the pitter-patter of drops hitting trees, and the laughter of your kids are worth this little adventure. What might make this most wonderful of all is that it is usually a surprise and can’t be planned! You won’t know exactly the day or hour of this grand ball – you may have an inkling of suspicion around the weather, but the invitation will be random. Also, no need to leave your house or pack bags. This fun summer activity will meet you at your home, at the park, or wherever you happen to be!

When you hear the drops begin to drip, run outside (sans umbrella) and dance like nobody is watching. Let your inner 5-year-old out! Splash in puddles, let the rain be your music. I can assure you there are nary few children who won’t stop gawking and join you! Also, rainy day hikes are great fun. Don’t let showers deter you from hitting the trail. Instead, pack your gear and plan to enjoy the coolness of a good summer rain. You will make memories that last a lifetime! Plus, this is a grand way to make summer last.

7. Ride bikes at sunrise

If you have a bike, plan a biking date with a new day. Grab a light snack and your favorite cold brew. Put those sleepy babes in the bike trailer (yep, in their PJs) and ride out to meet a new day! A little foresight is needed for this one. Ideally, you would know the local sunrise times and also plan for comfortable weather. A rainy day might make seeing the sunrise less brilliant. Be sure and check your tires and bike chains before heading out. A good flag on your bike trailer is also essential.

Our family loves bike rides because the wind from our speed truly cools us as we pedal. Breakfast picnics are also welcome. Fresh fruit, cream cheese, and good bread taste even better in the summer morning’s first light. Go ahead, ask me how I know!

Bike rides for making s

8. Splash in the creek

Make summer last a little longer by heading creekside. If there isn’t one super close, it is totally worth a day trip. Plan to visit a creek with 2-6 inches of water and not more. A good flow of water is fun, even for littles. So long as the water depth is shallow, the speed of the water is nothing to fear. Lots of small rocks are ideal.

Be sure and bring some small mason jars or a plastic container. When your children get into the creek, they are sure to find some amazing creatures. Crawdads, crawfish, crayfish….how do you say it? These little fellows are summer’s mascots! Carefully overturning rocks is sure to be a favorite past time once they observe a salamander skittering through the shadows. Parents can enjoy some lounging beside the water, toes in. Although this mama enjoys some splashing and creature hunting as well. Summer will last a smidge longer if you linger creekside.

Making Summer last at the creek

Creekside makes Summer last

9. Eat a meal outside

In our family, summer is for outdoor eating (well, so are autumn and spring, now that I think of it). Nothing fancy is required for dining al fresco. Your regular food can just happen to make its way to a picnic table in your driveway or a blanket on the lawn. If you aren’t up for a big meal, sandwiches taste better on a blanket in the woods. Promise.

Does summer last longer if ants are guests during meal times? I’m not sure, but you can be certain these bodybuilders will be visitors if you plan to eat out of doors. Kids love watching ants and it truly is amazing to see them carry crumbs 100 times their weight! Also, eating outside means you beat heating up your home by using the oven. Some family favorites of ours include waffles and bacon in the yard, fire-cooked burgers, and fresh fruit. Meals outside mean less clean up. Dripping popsicles, goopy marshmallows, and melty ice cream don’t require mops when enjoyed outdoors. Standing ovation, please! Of course, you do want to pack in and pack out, like all good visitors. 

10. Activity of your choice

My last suggestion on making summer last is to choose your family’s favorite summertime activity and enjoy it together one last time. Whether it’s catching fireflies, enjoying a bonfire, watching a movie outside or something not shared here, the important thing is getting out there and enjoying the last weeks of summer. Together is better. Children thrive when experiences include parents, grandparents, and friends. Stay safe. Use caution and wisdom. Our summer may have looked different this year, but it’s still a beautiful season to embrace and behold!

So how will you make the most of these final weeks of summer?
Share your ideas in the comments or tag us in a photo posted on social media with the hashtag #runwildmychild.

About the author

SarahRuth is a homeschooling mother of three boys. She was raised in cities across the East coast, but now resides in the Appalachian Mountains of Georgia where her husband grew up. Passionate about inspiring others to shift from the status quo of Western indoor life, she launched a local Free Forest School chapter in 2017. Her family clocked over 2k hours outdoors in 2019 and believes that outside time as a family is vital to a joy-filled life. She collects books, stray children, and as much coffee as her body will permit. When not foraging, chasing waterfalls, or camping with her crew, you can find SarahRuth crossing the globe from her laptop, teaching English full time online! She has two bachelor’s degrees in Education and is passionate about teaching children to love learning through outdoor adventures.

You can find more from SarahRuth in the following online locations:
Instagram: @mountainpaz


One response to “10 Ways to Make Summer Last”

  1. Love this, we are planning on extending summer as much as possible and will try a few of these ideas out for sure! Thank you 😊

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