The Ultimate Summer Challenge

Are you looking for new ways to improve your photography AND make memories with your kids this summer? Do you want to combine your passion for photos with fun outdoor activities your kids will love? If so, we have the answer! The Ultimate Outdoor Summer Challenge is my way of combining two of my biggest passions (photography and outdoor adventures). Join me as we create some fun memories with your kids and beautifully capture them this summer!

The Ultimate Summer Challenge

Run Wild My Child is partnering with Hello Storyteller (an online photography community) to bring you a unique and inspiring summer full of fun outdoor activities and creative photography tips! Whether you’re a newbie photographer looking to learn or an experienced photographer looking for ways to get inspired while making memories with your kids, this challenge will help fuel YOUR creative outlet during your kids’ fun!

Photo credit: @aspoonfulofwhimsy

8 weeks of fun!

Each week (for 8 weeks total), you’ll receive a fully-detailed 4-page PDF containing 2 pages from Run Wild My Child on each outdoor activity and 2 pages from Hello Storyteller filled with photography tips, advice, and inspiration. I’m handling the activity side and we’ve selected 8 simple, yet fun activities designed to get you and your kids outside, exploring and playing together. Paired with each activity, a HelloStoryteller Mentor or Pro will provide instruction and insight on how to photograph and document each of your adventures. From camera settings and creative angles, to the best time of day and location to shoot, to helpful editing suggestions!

Photo credit: @melindamaephotography

Activities for the kids

Each week of our course we roll out a new activity. You don’t need a ton of prep time or planning to pull these activities off. Just a sense of adventure and a desire to have fun and make memories. All the activities are budget-friendly, open-ended, appropriate for all ages, and safe for social distancing. You’ll get creative ways to make each activity fun for your kids (no matter what age), as well as thoughtful tips, gear/packing lists, and suggestions for you as the parent. 

Our summer activities include: blowing bubbles, nature hike, pool time, bike riding, and more! (We’re not going to ruin the surprise by giving them all away!)

Our activities were designed to be applicable no matter where you live and can easily be adjusted to fit your schedule, location and comfort level. If you can’t do one of the activities, no worries! We’ll be available in an exclusive Facebook group to help you come up with alternatives or find an activity that will work for your family. 

Photo credit: @jenniferconnellyphotography

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for any parent that wants to spend time with their kids this summer, have fun outdoor activities planned for them and wants to learn how to take better photos of their kids. Here are few of the most common questions I’ve received so far…

Photo credit: @aspoonfulofwhimsy

When and where?

If the Ultimate Outdoor Summer Challenge sounds like just the inspiration you need to pick up your camera and get outside with your kids, sign up today! Our course is open for pre-sale right now and the first email will go out June 22nd. All adventures will be rolled out weekly after that. The course wraps up mid-August, just in time for back to school. 

Photo credit: @jenniferconnellyphotography

Who’s involved?

Well, me! Do you need more than that? 😉 Just kidding! Run Wild My Child is handling the outdoor activity side of the challenge and a team of Hello Storyteller photographers will be handing the photography side and doing the teaching. Here are the amazing mamas (and their Instagram handles so you can swoon over their images) that will be putting together the materials for each activity and coaching you through the photography lessons:

Photo credit: @melindamaephotography

What’s included?

Photo credit: @kristcx

Sign up today

The pre-order period for The Ultimate Summer Challenge is open NOW!! Whether you’re a newbie photographer wanting to learn or are an experienced photographer wanting fresh inspiration, this challenge has something for everyone. Sign up NOW so you don’t miss out on this awesome opportunity. I can’t wait for you to join us! 


More photography resources

If you’re interested in more photography resources, download our FREE guide with our best tips and tricks for taking better photos of your kids’ outdoor adventures with the camera on your PHONE! From creative composition tips to our favorite editing apps, this guide includes everything you need to know to make the most out of the camera in your pocket!  


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