Tag: apples

  • Favorite Fall Recipes To Make With Kids

    Favorite Fall Recipes To Make With Kids

    Are you looking for some festive fall recipes to make with your kids? Need some delicious ideas for putting those pumpkins from the patch, apples from the orchard, and zucchini from your garden to good use? Well, today’s your lucky day! Wendy Cox, mom of 4 and garden educator from San Diego, California is sharing…

  • Tips for Apple Picking with Kids

    Tips for Apple Picking with Kids

    Apple picking in the fall is a time-honored tradition for our family. Each year during apple picking season, we head out to our local u-pick apple orchard and stock up on this delicious treat. The kids love the hay rides to the field and running through the rows of apple trees to find the best…

  • Family Traditions: Making Open-Fire Apple Butter with Kids

    Family Traditions: Making Open-Fire Apple Butter with Kids

    If this past year has taught us anything, it’s that family matters more than ever before and we should not take the time we spend together for granted. We’ve also learned that sometimes it’s nice to slow things down and it’s even nicer to do that outside, surrounded by those you love. Today, our Creative…
