Tag: bird feeders

  • 15+ Activities to Celebrate Earth Day with Kids

    15+ Activities to Celebrate Earth Day with Kids

    Earth Day is next week and the world needs you and your actions! There are so many things parents and kids can do to help protect, preserve and restore our planet – from cleaning up, to recycling, composting, planting a garden or just enjoying the beauty of nature! Today, we have Chelsea Furlong (professional photographer…

  • Easy and Eco-friendly Bird Feeders to Make with Kids

    Easy and Eco-friendly Bird Feeders to Make with Kids

    Did you know that birds, on average, eat between ¼ to ½ of their body weight every day? That’s a lot of calories for a bird to scrounge up every day, especially in the barren winter months. Feeding the birds is such a great way to get kids involved with nature and teach our children…

  • Creating a Nature Window for Bird Watching

    Creating a Nature Window for Bird Watching

    If you’ve ever taken the time to observe birds in your own backyard, I guarantee you’ll find them fascinating! Birds are incredibly social, intelligent, crafty, clever and funny. They are such a joy to watch. Over time, you can even get to know the local ones and their personalities. Today, I’m thrilled to have Nichole from…

  • Easy Bird Feeders to Make with Kids

    Easy Bird Feeders to Make with Kids

    Making a bird feeder with kids is a great way to teach children about caring for nature, how to properly feed wild animals and how to identify local native birds. You can make a simple bird feeder out of all kinds of items. From pine cones to logs and from toilet paper rolls to orange…
