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Tag: brandi markham
Mud Activities for Kids: 7 Creative Ways to Have Fun with Mud
As parents, we see mud and only see a mess. But to children, mud is an abundant and attractive medium for creation, exploration, and adventure. Mud is fun! Playing with mud engages all the senses, encourages creativity, and creates long-lasting childhood memories. Now more than ever families need ways to keep kids safe at home…
Fun & Simple Halloween Activities for Kids
If your kids are anything like mine, they automatically associate October with Halloween! I’m pretty sure they get their intense love for this holiday from their mama. It’s been my favorite holiday for as long as I can remember. The costumes, the cold dark nights, the glowing pumpkins! Or maybe it’s just all the candy?…
Must-Have Photos to Capture this Summer
Summer is officially here! It’s time to get outside, enjoy some fun in the sun and make new memories. One of my favorite parts of making summer memories with my children (besides the quality time spent with them, of course!) is being able to photograph the details that I don’t want to forget. What better…