Tag: city outdoor activities

  • Finding Nature in Urban Settings with Kids

    Finding Nature in Urban Settings with Kids

    It is a wild misconception that being a “city kid” means depriving young minds of nature and the benefits of a free-range life. When done intentionally, children raised in the city have a unique opportunity to tap into a larger community of nature lovers. While there are some considerations and logistics to giving urban dwellers…

  • Valentine’s Day Outdoor Activity: Nature Heart Hunt

    Valentine’s Day Outdoor Activity: Nature Heart Hunt

    Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and that typically means a whole lot of love and hearts! Let’s embrace the hearts and invite nature to be our valentine this year. Today, Creative Team member, Katie Fox, an RV-living roadschooling mom of 2, takes us on an outdoor nature heart hunt. She shows us how…

  • 10 Outdoor Social Distancing Activities for Kids in a City

    10 Outdoor Social Distancing Activities for Kids in a City

    With social distancing firmly in place and schools being closed for the foreseeable future, parents all across the country are trying to figure out what to do with your kids. While it’s probably no surprise to anyone reading this website, we HIGHLY recommend getting outside and into nature with your kids. But only if that’s…
