Tag: gardening with kids

  • How to Start & Grow a Cut Flower Garden with Kids

    How to Start & Grow a Cut Flower Garden with Kids

    If you enjoy bringing the outside in, gathering a few flowers from your garden to admire on the kitchen table, gifting bouquets to friends, or using in nature crafts and projects, then consider starting a small cut flower garden. Tending these plants from the smallest of seeds into colorful beauties brings a wonderful sense of…

  • 10 Ways Your Public Library Can Help You Get Outdoors

    10 Ways Your Public Library Can Help You Get Outdoors

    Public libraries have always been places for learning and exploring, but they can also play a role in promoting outdoor activities and helping families spend more time outside. Libraries today can provide families with so much more than just books. Emily Liebel, Salt Lake City mom of three and book lover over at Inclusive Library,…

  • Starting an Outdoor Herb Garden with Your Kids

    Starting an Outdoor Herb Garden with Your Kids

    No food tastes quite as amazing as food that you grow yourself in your own garden. Whether you’re growing a large garden plot full of vegetables or a couple of small containers of herbs, there’s something magical about growing your own food and herbs. And, of course, kids can help out and learn to appreciate…

  • Tips for Fall Gardening with Kids

    Tips for Fall Gardening with Kids

    Have you ever been the recipient of a giant zucchini or bowl of tomatoes from a friend’s garden? Have you received those tasty veggies and thought, “I wish I would have planted a garden.” I’m here to tell you that it’s not too late to start! Fall is typically thought of as the harvest season,…

  • Winter Garden Planning with Kids

    Winter Garden Planning with Kids

    A great garden starts in the winter! Now is the time to get out those seed catalogs and figure out what you’re going to plant this year and where. Planning out your garden is such a fun activity to do in the winter. It reminds us that warmth and sunshine will be returning soon. Garden…

  • Teaching Kids About Where Food Comes From

    Teaching Kids About Where Food Comes From

    We all know kids are innately curious and soak up new information like sponges, especially if it’s something they’re naturally interested in. You’re likely here because you’re looking for ideas to feed that curiosity in your kids. Today, we have creative team member Jake Smith of Black Ridge Farms, sharing a little about feeding your…

  • Ways to Reconnect With Nature as a Family

    Ways to Reconnect With Nature as a Family

    This year has tested and challenged us in more ways than we ever could have imagined. There’s been so much uncertainty, stress, and exhaustion over the last six months and that’s taken a toll on our physical and mental health. As parents, we tend to feel the effects more deeply and have experienced more unprecedented…

  • Quick & Easy Kid-Friendly Snacks from the Garden

    Quick & Easy Kid-Friendly Snacks from the Garden

    It may officially be fall, but the plants in my garden are still going strong! We’ve got heirloom and cherry tomatoes for days, squash and carrots that are still growing and lots of herbs, onions, and potatoes! We’ve talked extensively on this website about the benefits of gardening with children and how fun and easy…

  • How to Plant a Butterfly Garden with Your Child

    How to Plant a Butterfly Garden with Your Child

    The joy of digging in the dirt, growing flowers, and watching butterflies alight on fragrant blooms make growing a butterfly garden a magical summertime activity for kids of all ages. Today, we have the amazing outdoor adventure mom Josée, from The Backwoods Mama, here teach us all about why butterflies matter, what flower they’re attracted…

  • Gardening with Kids: 5 Easy Vegetables to Grow

    Gardening with Kids: 5 Easy Vegetables to Grow

    Gardening is a fun and easy nature adventure to do with kids of any age. Kids love getting messy, muddy and digging around in the earth. They also love being outside, being active, learning about new things and taking care of their very own project. All these things make gardening a perfect activity for kids.…

  • Gardening with Kids

    Gardening with Kids

    Gardening may sound like a lot of work and a time commitment, but it doesn’t have to be. Gardening can be as hard or easy as you want it to be, and surprise…it’s also really fun! If you’re considering starting a garden with kids this year, you’re in the right place! Gardening is an amazing…
