Tag: nature study

  • Exploring Worms with Kids

    Exploring Worms with Kids

    Worms are fascinating creatures and your child is bound to stumble onto one at some point in their childhood. Chances are they’ve spotted one on the sidewalk after rain or found one while digging in the dirt. Worms are not just exciting to explore and easy to find, but they are also incredibly beneficial to…

  • Nature Study: Exploring Ponds with Kids

    Nature Study: Exploring Ponds with Kids

    Summer is a perfect time to get kids outdoors to explore and experience new things! And what better place to enjoy on hot days than someplace with water? Today, the incredible Leslie Alvis (Ohio homeschooling mom of 4) gives us a unique look at a common place your children can explore this summer: the ever-delightful…

  • Nature Study: Raising Tadpoles with Kids

    Nature Study: Raising Tadpoles with Kids

    Spring is here! And with the warmer weather comes a plethora of new opportunities to experience nature with your kids. One incredible way to teach children about wildlife, the phases of metamorphosis and caring for animals is by observing the life cycle of a frog. Today, we’re sharing the amazing experience of raising frogs, from…
