Tag: nature therapy

  • 20 Ways to Incorporate Nature into your Daily Life

    20 Ways to Incorporate Nature into your Daily Life

    While getting you outdoors with your kids is our main mission, we are also parents and know that’s not always easy or possible. Sometimes weather, work, illness, injuries, lack of daylight, chores or other circumstances keep us from getting outside as much as we want (or at all). In those instances, there are tons of…

  • Sensory Processing Disorder & How to Incorporate Nature into Therapy

    Sensory Processing Disorder & How to Incorporate Nature into Therapy

    We all know that nature is good for our children’s minds, bodies and well-being. But what about those children that have a hard time processing natural occurrences like raindrops, birdsongs or the feel of grass under their feet? Sensory processing disorder is a common symptom of autism, however, most children with sensory issues are not…
