Tag: outdoor kids

  • How to Get Kids Outside During the School Year

    How to Get Kids Outside During the School Year

    It’s that time of year again – our children are trading in their beach towels for backpacks and holding pencils more than sidewalk chalk. Whether you homeschool or traditional school, back-to-school generally means less free time and fewer hours to play outside. Not only that, but the days are growing shorter and the weather’s turning…

  • Nature Study: Exploring Ponds with Kids

    Nature Study: Exploring Ponds with Kids

    Summer is a perfect time to get kids outdoors to explore and experience new things! And what better place to enjoy on hot days than someplace with water? Today, the incredible Leslie Alvis (Ohio homeschooling mom of 4) gives us a unique look at a common place your children can explore this summer: the ever-delightful…

  • Neighborhood Hiking with Kids

    Neighborhood Hiking with Kids

    Hiking with kids doesn’t have to be daunting or intimidating. It doesn’t require fancy gear or long miles. All you need to do to get started is step outside your front door with the purpose of having fun and a sense of adventure. Today, we have Maggie (Nimo), active mom of two from Sydney, Australia…

  • Finding Nature in Urban Settings

    Finding Nature in Urban Settings

    Show of hands of all you city-dwelling parents that want to incorporate more nature into your child’s life, but feel inhibited due to your urban surroundings. Today’s post is for YOU! Being outdoors and immersed in nature isn’t just for kids that live in the country. An outdoor lifestyle and love of nature are possible…

  • Slacklining for Kids

    Slacklining for Kids

    Slacklining is a perfect way for kids of all ages to hone balancing skills while building core strength and confidence. My son received a slackline as a gift this past Christmas and we’ve had so much fun using it these last few months. Slacklining is one of my kids’ favorite backyard activities and I’m blown…

  • Benefits of Creeking with Kids

    Benefits of Creeking with Kids

    There are very few things my kids love more in life than playing in the water, whether that’s swimming in a pool, splashing in waves on the beach, running through the sprinkler or just hanging out in a bubble bath. My kids love water so much they volunteer to wash the dishes so they can…
