Tag: urban nature

  • 10 Ideas for Outdoor Family Vacations & Adventure

    10 Ideas for Outdoor Family Vacations & Adventure

    If you’re looking to bond with your family and have amazing outdoor adventures together, where should you go for the best family vacation? Here at Run Wild My Child, we get asked about outdoor family adventure travel a lot! And we have a lot of ideas on how to plan the perfect adventure for your…

  • Finding Nature in Urban Settings with Kids

    Finding Nature in Urban Settings with Kids

    It is a wild misconception that being a “city kid” means depriving young minds of nature and the benefits of a free-range life. When done intentionally, children raised in the city have a unique opportunity to tap into a larger community of nature lovers. While there are some considerations and logistics to giving urban dwellers…

  • Finding Nature in Urban Settings

    Finding Nature in Urban Settings

    Show of hands of all you city-dwelling parents that want to incorporate more nature into your child’s life, but feel inhibited due to your urban surroundings. Today’s post is for YOU! Being outdoors and immersed in nature isn’t just for kids that live in the country. An outdoor lifestyle and love of nature are possible…
