Tag: vivobarefoot kids

  • Letters to the Earth: A Photography Challenge

    Letters to the Earth: A Photography Challenge

    ** This photography challenge is sponsored by and in collaboration with Vivobarefoot Kids. ** Letters to the Earth is a global campaign to raise awareness about climate change. We want to help bring your messages to life and share them with people around the world. We’re co-hosting a photography challenge with Vivobarefoot Kids to raise…

  • Making a Difference with Vivobarefoot Kids

    Making a Difference with Vivobarefoot Kids

    We humans have been pretty terrible to the planet we live on and the animals that inhabit it. Just since 1970, human activity has destroyed 60% of all the world’s animals. There are now over 16,000 endangered species threatened with extinction. Scientists estimate that 150-200 species of plant, insect, bird, and mammal become extinct EVERY…
