Friday Feature: Meg Bethard

Hello Friday! As you know, every other Friday we feature a member of our amazing Instagram community. We’re hoping to bring you a little more information about the person, stories, and inspiration behind all the pretty pictures! Today’s featured photographer is one of my favorites, Meg Bethard @megsausted, mom of three located in the great state of Louisiana. Her photos are so incredibly lovely, fun and full of spirit, and personality. My heart just about bursts every time I see her adorable curly-haired ginger son show up in my feed (and not only because I also have a curly-haired ginger son!), but because her images are pure joy. Here’s a little more about Meg and her feed, in her own words.

friday favorites - meg bethard @megsausted

Favorite place to photograph your kids?

My dad is a farmer and so I love going down to the farm with the open fields, old fences & buildings, and beautiful sunsets! That has to be my favorite place to capture images of the kids.

friday favorites - meg bethard @megsaustedfriday favorites - meg bethard @megsaustedfriday favorites - meg bethard @megsausted

Favorite outdoor activity to do with your children?

Jump hay bales! The kids LOVE it and they make such a fun little playground. Added bonus, it totally wears those jokers out!

friday favorites - meg bethard @megsaustedfavorite instagram photographers - meg bethard @megsaustedinstagram outdoor family favorite photographers

List three bucket list destinations you’re dying to see?

Banff, Prague (&/or all of Europe:), Maldives

best outdoor kids photographers on instagram - meg bethardfriday favorites - meg bethard @megsaustedrun wild my child friday featured photographer - meg bethard

Any upcoming travel adventures planned for this year that you’re excited about?

Yes! Next week we’re heading up to Michigan to adventure with Bri Viglianco (@briviglianco). I could not be more excited to see her and all the beautiful fall colors!

Best outdoor kids photography instagram accounts - @runwild.mychildbest outdoor kids photographer - meg bethard

How do you educate yourself to take better pictures?

I have watched tons of editing videos and have done a lot of online workshops. My favorite courses I have taken have been from Courtney Bowles (because she’s the best), Meg Loeks (seriously, what can’t she do?), Susan Grimes (get real with her amazingness) & Megann Robinson (whom I adore and I would say she absolutely changed my editing process forever).

friday favorites - meg bethard @megsaustedfriday favorite instagramer - meg bethard @megsausted

The biggest challenge to getting outdoors with your kids or something you struggle with?

We live in Louisiana so it has been in the upper 90s and 100s for the past seeeeeveral weeks (or months). Right now, that’s definitely the hardest thing for us!

run wild my child favorite instagram accounts outdoor kids photographyfriday favorite instagram outdoor kids photography

For more from Meg Bethard,
find her online in the following locations:

Instagram: @megsausted

For more inspiration behind our favorite Instagram accounts, check out all our Friday Features.


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