Making a Difference with Vivobarefoot Kids

We humans have been pretty terrible to the planet we live on and the animals that inhabit it. Just since 1970, human activity has destroyed 60% of all the world’s animals. There are now over 16,000 endangered species threatened with extinction. Scientists estimate that 150-200 species of plant, insect, bird, and mammal become extinct EVERY 24 HOURS. Insect populations are declining at a rate that could be “catastrophic” for our ecosystems within two generations. Scientists are describing what’s happening to animal life on earth as “biological annihilation.” Something has to change. And that change starts right here, with us! We are making a difference, one kid at a time!

making a difference - ways kids can help take care of our planet

Here come the wild ones

Last month we had the honor of teaming up with one of our all-time favorite outdoor kid’s shoe brands – Vivobarefoot Kids – to host a hashtag campaign to raise awareness for our planet and its animals. VivoKids recently launched a new line of eco-friendly kids shoes inspired by endangered species. These “Wild” shoes have minimal impact on the environment and are made with cleaner, greener materials. For example, the Ultra Blooms are made from algae blooms and each pair returns 25 liters of clean water and reduces 6 balloons worth of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

A portion of the profits from the sale of these shoes go directly to The Aspinall Foundation, a British charity that works to promote wildlife conservation through education, captive breeding programmes and, crucially, by reintroducing endangered species into the wild wherever possible. Over the last few years, the Aspinall Foundation has successfully reintroduced a range of animals (including 8 black rhino, 49 Javan Langurs, 9 Javans gibbons, 11 European bison and over 60 western lowland gorillas) back into the wild in their natural habitat.

#wildkids4wildlife campaign for endangered species


In connection with this amazing collaboration, we became inspired to encourage kids (and their parents!) to learn more about the animals in whose footprints they are walking and to take action to help our planet. We believe the more kids know about the environment and wildlife, the more ingrained it will be in them to care for it and act accordingly as they grow.

During the month of March, we ran a hashtag campaign on Instagram with VivoKids and our favorite hub @wildandbravelittles. We encouraged kids (and parents) to take action with a good deed for the earth and tag us! Our #wildkids4wildlife campaign was born and it was absolutely amazing! Throughout the month we featured these tagged images and were blown away with the incredible response and feedback we received.

vivokids eco-friendly shoes for kids

Be the change you want to see

We saw kids doing all kinds of good deeds, from picking up litter to planting a tree. From gardening and composting, to recycling and attending rallies on climate change. Some kids made donations to their local wildlife rehabilitation centers, stopped their use of single-serve plastics and wrote letters to their congressional reps about changes that could be made to protect our earth. We saw kids reading books about endangered animals, visiting their local zoo and learning about them and making a commitment to help. It was inspiring! We hope this will be the starting point for a lifetime of conversations, actions and changes so that we can all be kinder to our planet.

With VivoKids’ help, we chose three “winners” from the tagged images. Each of these winners received shoes for their kids from Vivobarefoot. Their images were not only inspiring but told a beautiful story about the compassion and power of kids. We asked the winners a few questions about their images and the story behind them. Their answers are below.

no one is too small to make a

NSW, Australia, on the Coffs Coast
4 children; Lara (10), Dylan (7), Freya (5) and Ciara (3)

The story behind the image

On 15 March 2019, I accompanied my eldest daughter to a local student strike against climate change, which was a globally organized event inspired by Greta Thunberg, a Swedish student who began striking each Friday in August 2018. Greta has been a source of inspiration for my daughter, who is an aspiring biologist and who cares deeply for our planet. On 15 March, Lara woke early and set to work on her sign. Her message was clear, and indeed helped set the theme for the day, that no one is too small to make a difference.

How do you teach/inspire your kids to help protect our planet?

My husband is an environmental scientist and I have a legal background. Both he and I have raised our children with an awareness that our planet cannot be exploited and taken for granted as it has in the past. On a household level, we make efforts to reduce our waste and produce our own food when possible. We use solar energy at home and we collect rubbish from waterways, parks, bushlands, and beaches. Our children all know and recite the phrase “take three for the sea,” (though we often end up with large collections of plastic after a beach trip). We continue to educate our children to respect our planet and to advocate for it. We encourage them to enjoy it, to learn from it, but to never to take it for granted. They will, after all, be the next generation of leaders and decision-makers. Moving forward, I hope that they will learn from our mistakes, but I also hope that we can show them that we learned from them too. We must not wait for the next generation to fix what we broke, because this is impossible. We have to make the change now.

how to teach your kids to take care of the earth


Southeastern Wisconsin
2 children – Lorenzo (4.5) & Halona (3)

The story behind the image

This photo was taken while we were planting our first garden at our new house. We really wanted to have the kids be hands-on (literally!) with the gardening process, which they love. This picture was taken on our transplant day when we moved our plants outside. We started all our vegetables from seeds, so when the time was right, most had to be transplanted outdoors into the garden. The kids and I spent the day transplanting our little seedlings with love, care, and tenderness. Yes, it took most of the day as we have well over 200 plants growing!

How do you teach/inspire your kids to help protect our planet?

We are a homesteading family and have been teaching the kids all about the natural world and how to help protect it since they were babies. Taking care of our environment is a big part of our lives. Getting the kids involved in gardening has really helped them become aware of the earth and all it has to offer when treated right and what happens when you don’t. I love talking to the kids about the process and teaching them when to water and feed plants, how the soil absorbs the nutrients and what helps the plants grow strong. Then we introduce other ideas, such as what might happen when other (harmful) things are absorbed by the soil? I like to introduce these types of open-ended questions and let the reasoning happen naturally.

We are also a big hiking family and on our hikes, we observe the natural world. On these hikes we be sure to bring our reusable bags and pick up any trash we see on the way. We have been teaching our children the importance of taking care of our earth by also doing the things listed below. Things you and your family can do too to help protect our earth!

What are some everyday activities we can do to make a difference to our planet?

Some everyday activities we have done/do to make a difference to our planet:
  • turn the lights off when you are not using them;
  • unplug things not in use;
  • use cardboard for burning to reduce the amount being put into landfills;
  • use reusable bags instead of harmful plastic bags;
  • recycle;
  • hang clothes on the line to air dry;
  • use cloth diapers;
  • potty train as soon as possible to eliminate diapers and extra laundry;
  • pick up trash even if it’s not yours;
  • be a part of the community and participate in clean ups;
  • plant tree and bee-friendly flowers;
  • grow our own food to alleviate food transportation waste; and
  • eat less processed foods.

simple things you can do to help the environment with kids


South Florida
2 boys, ages 7 and 8

The story behind the image

My images show my boys cleaning up the Broward County waterways. We participated in the 2019 waterway cleanup, which is held across our entire county, from the beaches all the way to the Everglades, and everywhere in between! Wherever there’s a waterway, river, or canal, we’re trying to clean it up.  It’s our county’s largest and longest running environmental event! 

How do you teach/inspire your kids to help protect our planet?

We are constantly learning and trying. Every day is a learning experience on how we can help mother earth and protect our planet. I believe if you do good, your kids are always watching and, in turn, they’ll do good! I try to lead by example. We also love to learn about animals. I believe that if you teach children that our earth is the home for these animals, it can help them want to do better for those creatures and our planet. Give them a love of the world and nature and they’ll WANT to help. 

What are some everyday activities we can do to make a difference to our planet?

I think one of the easiest things people can to do to make a difference for our planet is to use metal straws. Also, if you’re going out into nature (to the beach, a park, trail, etc.), bring a bag and pick up as much garbage as you can. It’s simple and effective! Also, we should all recycle as much as we can! 

how kids can help make a difference in the environment

The earth is not ours to inherit – it’s on loan from our children and grandchildren. If we want there to be anything left we have to act now. All of us.

* This hashtag campaign and giveaway is sponsored by and in collaboration with Vivobarefoot Kids. 


One response to “Making a Difference with Vivobarefoot Kids”

  1. i really like your blog very informative and helping me thanks for the info.

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