Tips for Photographing Family Hikes

Hiking is one of our family’s favorite ways to spend time together outdoors. Along with our traditional outdoor hiking gear (backpack, water, snacks, etc.), I always bring my camera along to document our adventure. Some of my favorite photographs of my kids are from family hikes, as they explore and play. Today, we have the amazingly talented Kristen Ryan, Oklahoma mom of 2 and photographer extraordinaire, here to give us some tips, tricks, and advice for photographing family hikes. Whether you’re shooting with a big fancy camera or your iPhone, these tips will help you capture some incredible moments outdoors with your kids and take your hiking photography to the next level.

Tips for Photographing Family Hikes

Hiking with kids

Setting out on a hike with the family can be a great way to get outdoors and explore together. It can be a way of getting exercise while also enjoying some great views. Sometimes we need to get a little creative to keep the little ones enjoying the moment and pushing forward, there are so many fun activities to keep kids entertained and engaged while hiking. The Run Wild My Child website has some great resources for doing just that, check out some of these great articles:

Family hiking photography tips

When it comes to taking hiking photos, sometimes it’s at the top of my to-do list and sometimes it takes a back seat to just keeping my kids going. Hiking with kids tends to be all over the place and you never know what each day and hike will bring. I try to keep my expectations low and go into our hike armed with my camera, but willing to wait for the right moment. Today, I want to share with you some tips for easily capturing beautiful photos from the day and still allowing everyone to enjoy the hike uninterrupted.

tips for photographing family hikes

1. Let everyone forget you have a camera

If your family is like mine, they don’t want to have to keep stopping for photo ops. In fact, the more you ask for pictures the less likely they will be willing to pose for you. My way to work around this is by letting them forget I have a camera. I try to set myself up for candid photos so that they don’t have to be moved or directed or interrupted from what they’re doing.

To get the shot I want without interrupting, I will pause a moment on a winding trail and wait for them to spread out along the turn to capture them in a line. If they stop to enjoy a view I will make sure I’m ready to capture the moment quickly before enjoying it with them. I will run up a little further on the trail to be ready for them to pass by then join in at the tail. My family is much more tolerant of my photo-taking if they don’t have to be interrupted during their hike.

tips for photographing family hikestips for photographing family hikes

2. Take advantage of the breaks

The next best trick for capturing great family hiking photos is to take advantage of your breaks. Need to stop for a water break or did you find a beautiful view? Use these pauses to capture the full scene. If we find a beautiful view I love to stop and take a water break at these spots. It gives the kids a moment to rest and it gives me some time to capture the beautiful surroundings as they enjoy and explore. I will have the kids sit in a safe spot where they can sit and have a drink and I will walk around them snapping a few photos with the beautiful scenery in the background.

tips for photographing family hikestips for photographing family hikes

3. Use nature as a leading line to your subject

Getting a great family hiking shot is all about the perspective and the angles. You can change so much just by changing your own position or using the natural elements around you to frame your subject. There are lots of opportunities to do this when you’re hiking. I just love how nature can so easily frame my subjects and that trails make great leading lines. Using natural elements is an easy way to draw your eye straight to your family even with a busy background.

When capturing your family, let the trail be a natural leading line through your photograph. I love to get low and allow the trail to guide my viewer’s eye through the frame right to my family and the story I’m wanting to tell. If you are in a tree-covered trail, try using branches and logs to help to frame your subjects. When having a scene full of similar colors and patterns, your family will stand out among the crowd just by contrast.

hiking photographyhiking photography

4. Stand out with color

Another way to get great photos of your family hikes is to have them stand out from the background. I don’t mean physically, but visually, with bright pops of color. This takes a little forethought, but it can be really helpful in photos. When we’re getting ready to go hiking, I try to keep my kids in bright solid colors. This helps them stand out a bit from the trees and bushes along the trails and brings your eye to them in a photograph. It is also a bonus when my kids like to run further up along the trail away from me. They still stand out and helps me to keep an eye on them while also giving them some freedom. This lets them enjoy the hike even more, because they feel like they are in charge of it.

hiking photographyhiking photography

5. Let them climb

If your kids are like mine, then they love to climb. They’re fearless and I sometimes have to regulate what they want to take on. 🙂 But climbing, even the smallest of rocks, is actually a great photo opportunity. I love it when we come across a place for them to try it. This is another great way to get them to stand out from the background and set them apart from the scene. You can do this by allowing them to get higher than the horizon. This doesn’t necessarily mean letting them go rock climbing up a cliff, but even a small little hill or boulder will do the trick.

You can make any hill or incline look much bigger by bringing your camera all the way to the ground and tilting your camera up to them. This will bring your horizon line down and make them appear higher. It also makes them stand out from the background! This is a great family hiking photography tip because they’ll be so proud of themselves and impressed when you show them the photo later.

hiking photography hiking photography

Family hiking photography

I hope these tips and tricks will inspire you to get outside and go for a hike with your family. Don’t forget to take your camera along and try taking some images of your kids while you’re out and about. Not only will you capture moments in time you’ll want to remember forever, but you will get a little better with your photography skills with every photo you take! So grab your camera and hit the trails!

More photography resources

If you’re interested in more photography resources, download our FREE guide with our best tips and tricks for taking better photos of your kids’ outdoor adventures with the camera on your PHONE! From creative composition tips to our favorite editing apps, this guide includes everything you need to know to make the most out of the camera in your pocket!  

Do you take photos of your family hikes?

Kristen of Instagram @kristcx

About the author

Hello, I am Kristen. I am a wife and mother to two kids and three dogs. We love to be outside as much as we can. Our family loves to go camping together and have made it a goal to visit all of the Oklahoma state parks. We are over halfway there! I am a hobbyist photographer who enjoys documenting my family in creative ways. You can find me on Instagram at @kristcx.


2 responses to “Tips for Photographing Family Hikes”

  1. Brad Cox

    Wonderful article and spectacular photos! Kristen Ryan is a rare talent!

  2. Hazel Green

    Great article and beautiful pictures. You are so talented.

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