
free play

high school baseball team lined up prior to the start of the game

Finding Balance Between Organized Sports and Free Play for Kids


As our kids get older and start showing an interest in organized sports, many families struggle with finding balance. Organized sports have many positive attributes and benefits for kids. But, they are also a time commitment that can take away from time spent outdoors or with family. Today, Jen Barnes, South Carolina mom of three teenagers, is here with tips and advice for parents on how to find balance between organized sports and free play…

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How to Create a Magical Day in the Forest for Children


Forests are naturally magical places with all kinds of possibilities for creative play and exploration. Today, we have Mary Henley, UK blogger and mom of two darling littles, here sharing how she infuses magic into a forest adventure with her kids. She’ll give you all the inspiration you need to create a magical day in the forest with your children, complete with magic wands, potion and imaginative activities! This is the perfect way to spend…

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