Tag: leslie alvis

  • 7 Simple Nature Activities for Kids That Inspire a Love for the Outdoors

    7 Simple Nature Activities for Kids That Inspire a Love for the Outdoors

    Step into the captivating embrace of nature, where the beauty of the world unfolds in its purest form, and the wonders of the outdoors await. As parents, we have the power to ignite our children’s passion for the natural world and create lifelong bonds that will shape their relationship with the environment. Through simple yet…

  • Camping Food Your Kids Will Love Eating & Making

    Camping Food Your Kids Will Love Eating & Making

    One of the best parts of camping is the time spent in nature as a family. And, of course, time spent outside makes kids hungry! Those three meals a day (plus dessert and snacks, of course!) roll around with frightening regularity when you’re feeding hungry, active children on camping trips. But don’t worry! Camping food…

  • Dissecting Daffodils and Tulips with Kids

    Dissecting Daffodils and Tulips with Kids

    Some of the first signs of spring are the colorful blossoms of tulips and daffodils. Without fail, those early pops of springtime color bring delight to our souls. As the tulips and daffodils bravely poke their leaves up through the soil, send out stems and buds, and then finally bloom, they remind us that winter will…

  • Wilderness Survival Skills for Teens and Tweens

    Wilderness Survival Skills for Teens and Tweens

    Getting kids outside to experience the wonders of nature isn’t limited to the early childhood years. In a world infused with technology and fast-paced demands, our teens and tweens need the great outdoors more than ever. However, by the time they’ve reached their teen years, our kids are often past the days of playing at…

  • Animal Safety with Kids

    Animal Safety with Kids

    Kids and animals go together like peanut butter and jelly. There are so many amazing benefits of raising kids around animals, including teaching them about responsibility, empathy, compassion, patience, and love. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t safety concerns for both the child and the animal. Today, Leslie Alvis, Ohio homesteading mom of four…

  • Raising Chickens with Kids

    Raising Chickens with Kids

    Have you ever dreamed of raising your own chickens, but weren’t sure how to get started? Do you want to know if chickens are the right pet for you? Are you wondering if chickens are safe to raise around kids? Today, Leslie Alvis, our resident crazy chicken lady, Creative Team member, and homeschooling and homesteading…

  • Owling with Kids

    Owling with Kids

    Have you ever spotted an owl in the wild? Have you heard one calling through the woods at dusk? Owls are fascinating, yet elusive birds, made even more mysterious by their silent flight and their nocturnal habits. But, finding owls isn’t impossible—you just have to know where and when to look. Today, Leslie Alvis, Ohio…

  • Family Traditions: Making Open-Fire Apple Butter with Kids

    Family Traditions: Making Open-Fire Apple Butter with Kids

    If this past year has taught us anything, it’s that family matters more than ever before and we should not take the time we spend together for granted. We’ve also learned that sometimes it’s nice to slow things down and it’s even nicer to do that outside, surrounded by those you love. Today, our Creative…

  • Poison Ivy, Mosquitoes, and Ticks, Oh My!

    Poison Ivy, Mosquitoes, and Ticks, Oh My!

    Poison ivy, mosquitoes, and ticks sure do make it less pleasant to spend time outside in the summer, but not impossible! Getting outside is always worth it and more important than ever for kids right now. This time of year, we get a ton of questions from concerned parents about how to keep these summertime…

  • Reflections on Quarantine

    Reflections on Quarantine

    While the pandemic has affected us all differently, it’s affected us ALL in some way. We’re more than two months into the thick of things here in the US and some stay home orders are finally starting to be lifted. While things sometimes feel like they’re trying to get back to normal, there’s still so…

  • Creating Nature Fairy Gardens

    Creating Nature Fairy Gardens

    Are you looking for a nature activity for your children that requires no special preparation or supplies? Has the last month left you burnt out from trying to keep your children’s’ days full of magical projects that you have to shop for, plan, and oversee? Are your outdoor adventures currently limited to your own yard?…

  • Easy and Eco-friendly Bird Feeders to Make with Kids

    Easy and Eco-friendly Bird Feeders to Make with Kids

    Did you know that birds, on average, eat between ¼ to ½ of their body weight every day? That’s a lot of calories for a bird to scrounge up every day, especially in the barren winter months. Feeding the birds is such a great way to get kids involved with nature and teach our children…

  • How to Get Kids Outside During the School Year

    How to Get Kids Outside During the School Year

    It’s that time of year again – our children are trading in their beach towels for backpacks and holding pencils more than sidewalk chalk. Whether you homeschool or traditional school, back-to-school generally means less free time and fewer hours to play outside. Not only that, but the days are growing shorter and the weather’s turning…

  • Nature Study: Exploring Ponds with Kids

    Nature Study: Exploring Ponds with Kids

    Summer is a perfect time to get kids outdoors to explore and experience new things! And what better place to enjoy on hot days than someplace with water? Today, the incredible Leslie Alvis (Ohio homeschooling mom of 4) gives us a unique look at a common place your children can explore this summer: the ever-delightful…

  • Tapping Trees & Making Maple Syrup with Kids

    Tapping Trees & Making Maple Syrup with Kids

    The process of making maple syrup is one that absolutely fascinates me. The whole concept of tapping trees, collecting sap and creating your own syrup is something I’ve been curious about and interested in for years! Today, the amazing and inspiring Leslie Alvis is back sharing her family’s adventures in tapping trees and making maple…
