Tag: outdoor families

  • Tips for Spending More Time Outside with Your Kids in the New Year

    Tips for Spending More Time Outside with Your Kids in the New Year

    The new year means a fresh new start and is the perfect time to reconsider your priorities. We hope this year you’ll choose to be more intentional with how much time you spend outside with your kids. Kids today need outdoor time (away from screens) now more than ever. If you want a sure-fire way…

  • Friday Favorites: Outdoorsy Instagramers

    Friday Favorites: Outdoorsy Instagramers

    Happy Friday, friends! For this week’s installment of Friday Favorites, I’d like to share a few of my favorite outdoorsy Instagramers with you. Two of my biggest passions are getting kids outdoors and photography, so I get very excited when I find other like minded parents with a drive to get their kids exploring outdoors…
