
Blueberry Picking with Kids

Blueberry season is in full swing and U-Pick fruit farms are the perfect place to go with your little ones! U-Pick farms are exactly what they sound like – you pick your own produce. Children will love this hands-on learning experience and will be asking to go back year after year! Today, Megan Rigdon, Maryland photographer and mom of 3 is here sharing all the tips you need know for blueberry picking with kids. Megan’s family owns a U-Pick farm, so she knows what she’s talking about! Plus, she’s included a great list of blueberry-inspired books to read before you go and an awesome recipe for a tasty treat made by her kids with the berries they picked! 

Tips for blueberry picking with kids

Blueberry season

Blueberry plants (Vaccinium spp.) produce white or pink flowers in spring. The flowers are pollinated by bees and soon after, small, green berries form. As the berries mature, they turn from green to pale blue and eventually to a dark blue or even purple color. How do you know when they’re ripe? Taste them! Ripe berries will be soft and sweet!

Blueberry season and harvest in the US varies by state, but runs from May to September, starting with Southern states (Florida and Texas) and moving North. Depending on where you live, your blueberry season may have already passed or the blueberries might not be ready! Check your local harvest calendar to find out when peak blueberry picking season is in your state. 

blueberry bush - how to pick blueberries with kids

Children’s books about blueberries

With every adventure, I love to incorporate children’s books because that is just how I roll! It is a good idea to read one before you go blueberry picking with kids so your children can get excited about what’s to come. Keep these books around your house a few weeks after picking, too. I bet your kids will go back to the books to reminisce about all the fun they had at the blueberry farm. Below are just a few of our favorite books about blueberries. 

The best blueberry books for kids

Ready for an adventure

Our family has a U-Pick blueberry field in Harford County, Maryland. When summer arrives,  my children know it’s almost time to pick blueberries at their grandparents’ farm. By the last week of June, the blueberries are ripe and ready!  We read a few of our favorite blueberry-themed books and even wrote about how excited we were to go picking in our summer journals.

Tips for pick your own blueberries with kids

Tips for blueberry picking with kids

Here are a few things to consider when planning a trip to go blueberry picking with kids:

  • Call or check your local farm’s website or Facebook page on the day of picking. Confirm the picking hours and to see if conditions have changed. The farm could have had a lot of people that day or in the days before and there may not be many berries left. Also, weather conditions can change the timing of when berries may be ready to be picked.
  • Plan on going to pick blueberries in the early morning or evening hours to beat the summer heat. 
  • Most farms supply their own buckets for picking and weighing the berries. If you use the farm’s buckets, you will need to transfer them into your own basket or bucket when you leave. I do not recommend bags because berries tend to get squished. 
  • Have your child wear play clothes. The farm could be muddy from summer storms or blueberry juice could make its way onto clothes. 

u pick blueberry farm tips blueberry picking with kids

What to pack for blueberry picking with kids

Make sure you take some time to pack for your blueberry picking trip. Below are things I would make sure to pack in addition to the items already in your diaper bag or purse when you go blueberry picking with kids:

  • Water – Make sure you and your little ones stay hydrated!
  • Sunscreen – it is a good idea to put sunscreen on your children before you head to the farm. This will give the sunscreen time to soak in and then, once you get there, that task is already complete!
  • Insect repellent – it could be buggy out there!
  • Blanket for a rest break – lay a blanket in the shade so that anyone who is with you can take a break
  • Stroller or wagon – a stroller or wagon can be very helpful when hauling the buckets back when finished and also useful for holding water bottles,  snacks, diaper bags and oh… the kids too! 

what to pack for picking blueberries with kidshow to pick blueberries with kids

It’s picking time

When you arrive at the U-Pick blueberry farm, give each child their own bucket. Explain to them to pick the berries that are ripe. They should be blue and will fall off the stem easily. I always tell my children to not eat the berries unless they check with me first, so we can confirm they’re ripe (sweet, not sour). Once they know what to pick and look for, let them go at it! I recommend laying out a blanket in the shade for the children to be able to take breaks if needed. Fill your baskets and enjoy the adventure! 

blueberry picking with kidshow to pick ripe blueberries with kids

Blueberry treats

On the ride home, we love to come up with all kinds of delicious treats that we can make with the blueberries we picked. Blueberries are incredibly versatile, so possibilities are endless. We came up with so many ideas ranging from blueberry waffles, blueberry ice cream to blueberry crumb pie. YUM! We ultimately decided to make blueberry yogurt popsicles with our haul! These are such a cool and refreshing treat after all of our hard work! The best thing about this recipe is that it only calls for a few ingredients and the children can help you make it. 

blueberry yogurt popsicle recipe

Blueberry yogurt popsicles

The recipe for the blueberry yogurt popsicles is easy peasy! You will need only four ingredients- blueberries, honey, milk, and yogurt. My kids couldn’t wait to help with this treat! Measure out 1.5 cups of blueberries and two tablespoons of honey and place them in a saucepan. Cook the blueberries and honey over medium heat until the berries start to burst. Leave them on the stove for about 3-5 minutes and then take the pan off of the heat and allow time for it to cool.

While the blueberry mixture cools, mix together the yogurt and milk. Then, fold in the cooled blueberry mixture into the yogurt and milk. Make sure not to mix them too much because then the whole thing will turn purple. Instead, fold the two mixtures together just a few times to create a swirly pattern. Finally, pour it into the popsicle molds, add popsicle sticks, and freeze.

When your popsicles are frozen, it’s time to enjoy! My kids could not wait to try their homemade blueberry yogurt popsicles! They absolutely enjoyed every bite of them and were so proud of all of their hard work! 

making blueberry yogurt popsicles with kids blueberry treats for kids blueberry yogurt honey popsicles popsicles with fresh blueberries and yogurt

Benefits of blueberry picking with kids

There are so many benefits to taking your child to pick blueberries. You are supporting a local farm and getting to spend quality time outside with your kids. Your little ones get to witness the process of how the berries grow on a bush, turn blue when ripe and ready to be picked. Incorporate a few of the recommended books and you’ve got an educational activity for kids of all ages. But, the best part about blueberry picking with kids…turning your berries into something scrumptious and enjoying the fruits of your labor together!

What are you waiting for?! Start planning your trip to pick blueberries with your kids today!

blueberry treats for kids u pick blueberries and making treats with kids blueberry picking with kids

Have you ever picked blueberries with kids?

About the author

Megan is a mother to three energetic children and lives on their family farm in Harford County, Maryland. She is a lifestyle family photographer and a lover of joyful and colorful images. Megan has a degree in Early Childhood Education and taught Kindergarten prior to having her own family. They spend as much time as possible outdoors exploring the farm and going on adventures. Raising chickens, fishing, gardening, camping, and crafting are just a few of her favorite things to do with her family.

You can find more from Megan in the following locations:
Professional Instagram: @meganrigdonphotography
Personal Instagram: @megmrigdon


One response to “Blueberry Picking with Kids”

  1. […] flowers. Our summertime favorite picks are strawberries, blackberries, peaches, tomatoes, herbs, blueberries, zucchini, watermelons and […]

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