Friday Feature: Kristen Ryan

Hello Friday! I’m excited to start a new series on here called “Friday Features.” Every other Friday I’ll be featuring a member of our online Instagram community and the inspiration behind their gorgeous photos! I’m hoping this series will not only help inspire you to get outdoors more with your kids, but to also pick up that camera and document your adventures!

Photography is something that I’m incredibly passionate about. I’m not a professional photographer (or even all that good), but every time I pick up my camera, I get a little better, so I keep at it! We’re really lucky to have such an incredibly talented community of outdoorsy moms that have a lot of great advice and tips to share. If you have any questions or if there’s anything, in particular, you’d like to know/learn, please ask in the comments!

Friday Feature - Kristen Ryan


Our first Friday Feature is all about Kristen Ryan! She’s a mom of 2 kids (and 3 dogs) in Oklahoma. She’s a hobbyist photographer (Click Pro) and one of our amazing Instagram moderators. Kristen is also one of the sweetest people in the world (I’m convinced) and I’m honored to have her here and as a part of our community.

Here’s a bit more about Kristen’s images, style, and outdoor adventures in her own words…Friday Feature - Kristen RyanFriday Feature - Kristen Ryan

Favorite place to photograph your kids?

I don’t think I have one specific place. I love to photograph our adventures together. No matter how big or small the adventure, those moments are my favorite. I love watching my children explore the world around them. Even if it is just going on a walk at a nearby park. Those moments inspire me to create and see the world how they see it — big, beautiful and ready for anything. I love watching their imaginations and how the simplest of moments can be so magical. It reminds me to be the same way. To enjoy the little moments, take them in and not get so caught up in all the bad that can fill our lives so easily. I love getting creative in my photographs and trying to bring that feeling to my final print. It has pushed me as a photographer and it is such a wonderful outlet for me at the same time.

Friday Feature - Kristen RyanFriday Feature - Kristen Ryan

How would you describe your photography style and Instagram feed?

I have such a hard time describing my photography style. I have always felt like I didn’t quite fit into any particular style. That used to bother me, but now I embrace it. I create what I feel and sometimes that means I’m all over the place. Usually, my style is colorful and bright. That is how I see my world, full of color. I like to find ordinary moments and search for the extraordinary in it. It pushes me creatively, but honestly, the image I produce is usually what is in my head and what I am seeing. I have never been really great with words and sometimes I have a hard time communicating my thoughts and feelings. But, photography has allowed me to do that. It has been so wonderful to express myself without feeling like I’m not getting across what I intended.

My Instagram feed is just a journal. It is not cohesive or organized. I have no intention of it being anything amazing. It is just my little piece of the world in an art gallery. It’s there for people to enjoy or to scroll on past. I am always grateful for the love that people give me, but that is not why I do it. My photos are for myself and for my family. I create because it is my outlet. I know my kids will grow up before I know it and I want these photos to be the legacy that I leave for them one day.

Friday Feature - Kristen RyanFriday Feature - Kristen Ryan

What would people not realize about you from only seeing your Instagram photos?

People may not realize that I am extremely introverted. I won’t even pull my camera out in public if there are a lot of people around. I have been working on my 365 project for the last 5 years and I have tried my hardest to get braver about taking pictures in public, but I haven’t come very far.  It’s funny really, I completely know how silly it is and that 99% of the people do not care what I am doing. But, for whatever reason, I can’t get over it. Ha! I do not like drawing attention to myself and am completely ok with being a fly on the wall.

Friday Feature - Kristen RyanFriday Feature - Kristen Ryan

Have you made any “real life” connections through social media?

When I first decided to start a 365 project, I saw a call out on a photography forum to start a group dedicated to finishing a 365 project. I decided to join, anxiety and all. It was the best decision I could have made. I ended up not only finishing my project and going on to complete 4 more years of it, but I also made such wonderful friendships with many of these ladies.  Just last year we all met up in Nashville, TN for a weekend of all things photography. It was so much fun getting to meet these ladies in real life and putting voices and personalities to these pictures that I was seeing of them. I am grateful for the push they have given me and I know I would not be where I am in my photography journey without them.

Friday Feature - Kristen RyanFriday Feature - Kristen Ryan

Why is it important to you to raise your children to love nature?

There are so many reasons that I want to raise my children to love nature. For one, the tranquility that can come from nature is something that cannot be found elsewhere. As adults, we know how overwhelming life can get and we need to be able to refuel our souls on occasion. Getting out of our normal routines and camping out under the stars can be such good medicine. Nature and everything that can be found outside can be scary to kids if they aren’t comfortable or familiar with it. But teaching them to be aware of nature and to also have fun with it can be so good for them, even into adulthood. I also want to teach them to be respectful and care for nature, that we can’t take it for granted. Nature is something that has to be treasured so that it can be passed down to future generations. I hope that they will have a passion for nature and the beauty it offers. I want them to realize that even the choices they make at home can have an effect on the world around them.

     Friday Feature - Kristen Ryan

You can follow Kristen on Instagram at @kristcx

For more features on our online Instagram community, check out our Favorite Outdoorsy Instagramers, Part 1 and Favorite Outdoorsy Instagramers, Part 2.


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