rainy play

Outdoor Rainy Day Activities for Kids

It’s raining, it’s pouring! So, now what? When it’s rainy outside, you have two options: stay inside and let your kiddos run amuck, or get outside and enjoy some outdoor rainy day activities for kids! In my opinion, this isn’t a hard one – let’s go and play in the rain! We know that most rainy day activity posts are usually about things you can do inside, but that’s not our style! There is so much fun to be had when you play outside with your kids. Today, SarahRuth Owens, Creative Team member and Georgia homeschooling mom of three is here sharing her family’s favorite outdoor rainy day activities for kids (and toddlers, too!), as well as the gear and supplies you might need to enjoy these days the most!

Outdoor Rainy Day Activities for Kids

Fun things to do on rainy days outside

While playing outside in the rain might not sound like a blast for parents, it’s so much fun for kids! Rain makes everything feel more magical and can turn ordinary adventures into extraordinary ones! Today, I’m sharing some of our favorite screen-free rainy day activities for kids. All of these rainy day activities have been tried and tested by my crew of adventurers and are sure to get your kids excited about the rain. Because there’s no such thing as bad weather! 

Best rainy day gear for kids

When engaging in rainy day play, one might ask oneself: to be wet, or not to be wet? A lot of factors play into this. Things like…how much laundry is already sitting in piles on your couch. And whether or not there are currently any crayons melted to the inside of your dryer (just me, eh?).

If you don’t care how wet they get, then just send them outside to play in whatever they want to wear. If the weather is warm and your kids aren’t sweet enough to melt, let them out to play in the puddles and engage in rainy day play outside, getting as wet as possible. 

Doing outdoor rainy day activities with kids sounds good, but maybe you just don’t want soaking wet kids? If you are in the not-to-be-wet crowd, there is a great solution! Rain gear has come a long way in the past decade. It can be found in a variety of sizes, patterns, and even price points. We’ve got a huge comprehensive list of the best rain gear for kids and toddlers, if you’re in the need of new gear. 

When it comes to great quality rain gear for kids, here are a few of our favorites:

  • Mk Nordika sells rainy day gear in a mid-point price range. It is high quality and includes adorable and cheerful rainbow stripes! They have sizes from toddler up to adult. We own this brand and it is so easy to care for. You simply wipe it down if it is muddy. 
  • Oaki also has a great full-body rain suit that easily slips over kids’ clothing. It is lightweight and you don’t have to keep up with multiple pieces. They have toddler-sized rain suits all the up through big kids. 

Rainy play - screen-free rain day outdoor activities for kids

Safety concerns playing outside in the rain

While outdoor rainy day activities are fun, here are some safety considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Never encourage children to play outdoors in a thunderstorm. Lightning is real and does strike. Teach children to come indoors and speak to an adult if they hear thunder and are unsure about safety.
  2. Be certain your children have on the right shoes for their location. If they are headed on a hike, the muddy trail is different than the puddles on the pavement. Choosing the correct gear for where your child will play in the rain is important.
  3. No swimming in storms, please. Remember when the lifeguard had everyone get out of the pool for half an hour when there was thunder? There is good reason for that as water is a conduit for electricity and lightning spreads over the water, impacting anyone in it.
  4. If you’re near running water (streams, creeks, rivers), keep a close eye on the water level, as streams can rise very quickly in rain. You never know if it may have rained much more higher upstream, so always keep a careful eye out and stay in shallow water, away from currents. 

Be sure and keep safety in the forefront of your mind during outdoor rainy day activities! 

You don’t need anything special to do outdoor rainy day activities with kids

There, I said it. You don’t actually need anything special or planned or extravagant to enjoy rainy day play. You don’t need Pinterest perfect crafts or any special rain toys. The rain itself creates so many fun things outside. Rain makes everything ordinary feel different. It’s a full-body sensory experience that kids can’t get enough of!

So, what do you really need for outdoor rainy day activities for kids? A smile is your best supply!

free rainy day outdoor activities for kids

Go for a rainy day walk

One of my boys’ favorite things to do on a rainy day is gear up, bring umbrellas, and walk to town. Would you believe that they can walk miles in the rain? Without complaining! They can, and I bet your crew can as well. This activity requires absolutely no planning or prepwork. It’s something we could do at any time, but the rain makes it extra special and novel.

Things you can try if your kiddos do begin to get the rainy day blues on your walk:

  • Sing songs (Singing in the Rain is always a fun tune)
  • Jump in puddles
  • Have a contest to see who can save the most worms (this means put them back in the grass and off the sidewalk)
  • Collect nature items
  • Watch water go into a sewer drain (I promise this entertains children)
  • Cup your hands and see who can overflow their hands with rainwater
  • Play “I Spy” as you walk
  • Wave at passerby and vehicles

rainy day activities for kids - go for a rain walk

Outdoor rainy day activities for kids in the woods

Are you ready to unlock expert outdoor parenting level? Go play in the woods….in the rain! Let’s do this. Honestly, rainy day play in the forest is absolutely magical. Some special things happen when you visit the wet forest and see the changes happening as the flora and fauna drink in the rain. There is so much to do while in the woods on a rainy day.

I organized a forest playgroup for kids for years and rainy days in the woods were some of our favorites! Here are some of the best and favorite rainy day outdoor activities to do in the woods from our forest school excursions:

  • Build a shelter – bring tarps, some twine, etc. and challenge the kids to build a dry shelter
  • See if you can build a fire when it is wet outside
  • Go on a mushroom hunt (fungi love wet conditions)
  • Sketch the woods in the rain
  • Get in the creek – hey, you’re already wet, right? (be careful and cognizant of rising water)
  • Play rainy day hide and seek
  • Bring a ruler and a clear glass or cup and measure the rainfall during your time in the woods

rainy play

Outdoor rainy day activities for kids that use supplies

Ok, so you tried the rainy day activities without supplies (or maybe you didn’t…that’s ok, we won’t tell), but maybe you want to enjoy some structured organized fun like crafts and games. That’s great! I’ve got you covered!

Here are some fun outdoor rainy day games, crafts, and activities for kids and what supplies you need:

Rainy day bike ride

Clearly, you need your bikes and helmets. My sons like to have bike gloves because in the rain, your hands tend to rub the handlebars more. Try sloshing through puddles! We also like to have a manual bike pump on one of our bikes, and don’t forget to bring water!

Water-gun fight

This one is so much fun during Summer showers. Each person gets a water gun and you can go to town. I suggest having buckets of water on hand, or even a large rubber maid tub filled with water for refills. 

Water balloon fight

Yep, let’s do this water thing all the way! About 100 balloons usually works for our crew of 5. We like to prefill and place them in the fridge in Summer. This means that humid, warm weather won’t be an issue! Swimsuits are smart gear to have on during this activity. Also, be certain to clean up any broken balloon bits; they don’t decompose. 

Water table fun

You can create a simple water table at a mud kitchen, or even just at a table, by providing your kiddos with scoops, spoons, a colander, shovels, bowls, and cups. Sometimes simple is best. 

Bob for fruit

This one is so much fun in the rain. I cannot explain it, it simply is! Add some apples, peaches, or whatever round fruit is in season, to a big bowl or rubber maid container filled with drinkable water. Now bob!

Paint with mud

All you need is some mud, a few paintbrushes and something to paint! This could be anything from a piece of paper or cardboard to your driveway. It doesn’t have to be fancy. If you want more ways to play with mud, check out this post with lots of fun and creative Mud Activities for Kids.

Boat races

Have your kids find natural materials (sticks, leaves, pinecones, etc.) and make a small boat. Then race them down the run-off water in the street or down a stream. This is a great way to also teach kids about engineering and what floats (and doesn’t).

rainy day activities for kids - bike ride in the ride

What are your favorite outdoor rainy day activities?

We want to see you and your kids having fun doing rainy day play. Use the hashtag #runwildmychild for a chance to be featured on our Instagram account!

About the author

SarahRuth is a homeschooling mother of three boys. She was raised in cities across the East coast, but now resides in the Appalachian Mountains of Georgia where her husband grew up. Passionate about inspiring others to shift from the status quo of Western indoor life, she launched a local Free Forest School chapter in 2017. Her family clocked over 2k hours outdoors in 2019 and believes that outside time as a family is vital to a joy-filled life. She collects books, stray children, and as much coffee as her body will permit. When not foraging, chasing waterfalls, or camping with her crew, you can find SarahRuth crossing the globe from her laptop, teaching English full time online! She has two bachelor’s degrees in Education and is passionate about teaching children to love learning through outdoor adventures.

You can find more from SarahRuth in the following online locations:
Instagram: @kindle_togetherness
RWMC posts: SarahRuth 


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