Tag: outdoor winter activities

  • Ideas for Getting Outdoors at Night with Kids

    Ideas for Getting Outdoors at Night with Kids

    The days grow shorter, and nights get longer as we transition from fall to winter. With dark, cold evenings, it’s easy to succumb to the allure of cozy indoor activities. However, just because the sun sets earlier doesn’t mean outdoor adventure has to end. If your kids are anything like mine, even though it’s dark…

  • 100+ Outdoor Winter Activities for Kids

    100+ Outdoor Winter Activities for Kids

    Brrrr! It’s cold and snowy outside, so that means one thing…winter is officially here! The short days and cold weather usually mean that kids aren’t spending as much time outside. We’re hoping to change that! Kids need time outside in the winter, just as much as they do in the summer. Time spent outdoors during…

  • Winter Science Experiment for Kids: How to Make Frozen Bubbles

    Winter Science Experiment for Kids: How to Make Frozen Bubbles

    Blowing bubbles is a popular outdoor activity for kids of all ages. While most people pack away the bubble wands when cooler weather hits, winter can be a perfect time for creating a different kind of bubble. On days when the temperature drops well below freezing, bundle up the kids and head outside to make…

  • Winter Fort Building with Kids

    Winter Fort Building with Kids

    Colder temperatures do not mean the fun of fort building has to stop! For many in the warmer climates, it’s actually the best time of year to head to the woods to build some forts!  Winter fort-building is so much fun, with definite perks. In the winter, the risk for snake encounters goes down and…

  • Winter Solstice Family Traditions & DIY Ornaments

    Winter Solstice Family Traditions & DIY Ornaments

    The Winter Solstice is quickly approaching. December 21 marks the first day of winter (here in the Northern Hemisphere), which is the shortest day and the longest night of the year. The days ahead will be longer and brighter, which calls for a celebration in my books! Many families adopt traditions for the Winter Solstice…
