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100+ Spring Outdoor Activities for Kids
Spring is in the air! I’m so excited to officially welcome you to the season of green and growth! As the weather warms back up and the sun stays up later, it’s the perfect time to get those kids outside. After a long winter with bitterly cold temperatures and lots of time spent inside, we couldn’t be more excited to get outside into the sunshine, get dirty, and be active. It’s so important to make sure your child gets plenty of fresh air, exercise, sunshine, and Vitamin N (nature). To help out, we’ve put together this giant comprehensive list of 100+ spring outdoor activities for kids! The items, activities, acts of service, treats, experiments, and crafts on this list are guaranteed to get you outside and active, creating and exploring.
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Special thanks to our Instagram community
These fun activities are guaranteed to keep your kids (and you) entertained, learning and active while outside this spring! These activities have been tried, tested and kid-approved by our online Facebook community, followers, editors, writers and contributors! In addition, all of the photos in the post of kids outside having fun are from our absolutely amazing Instagram community! A very special thanks to all the parents that let us feature their beautiful images.
Spring activities for kids printable PDF checklist
While this post will give you all the details and variations for all 100+ outdoor winter activities for kids, if you want a printable checklist version, CLICK HERE to sign up for our newsletter and get a free printable of the list!
Feature image credit: @raisinguntamedminis
100+ spring outdoor activities for kids
As the weather warms up and the days are longer, getting outside with the kids should be a top priority. Our family always makes a springtime bucket list, which includes tons of fun ways to get outside and active together as a family. We put together this giant list of over 100 fun things to do outside with your kids this spring! We’ve got all the traditional activities and we’re throwing in dozens more than you may not expect! So we hope this list will help you plan fun outdoor adventures for your family this season. And if there’s anything we’ve forgotten, let us know in the comments below and we’ll get it added!
1. Puddle jumping
Jumping in a puddle is an absolute classic quintessential rite of passage for any child. So often kids are asked to refrain from getting wet and muddy. Give them the gift of freedom to explore and get as messy as they want for a day. Dress them in their rain boots and whatever else you don’t care getting wet (plenty of layers if it’s still cold) and encourage them to splash! They’ll be so excited about the opportunity and will remember this for a lifetime.
2. Host an outdoor tea party
Outdoor tea parties can be fun any season of the year. Spring is a perfect time though, with fresh green grass and flowers everywhere. Have your kids dress up in something fun and fancy! Pull out a little table and chairs into the backyard and whip up some tea and a light snack. Try traditional cucumber sandwiches or make it a sweet tea time with cookies or cake. Depending on the age and fanciness of your guest, break out the good china and really impress them! (or even just use glass coffee mugs, which are fun!) If your kids don’t like tea, substitute lemonade, sparkling water or fruit-infused water.
3. Make a flower bouquet
Spring is a wonderful time for finding and picking flowers. Bring a pair of scissors on your walk and snip a few flowers for a bouquet (as long as you have permission). Springtime flowers could include daffodils, tulips, orchids, primrose, snowdrops, and violets. Wildflowers make beautiful and colorful arrangements. But only take a few and make sure to leave plenty for the bees!
Feature image credit: @sara_mccarty
4. Dig for worms
One of my favorite memories I have with all three of my kids was teaching them how to dig for worms when they were little. There’s something about discovering a worm right under your feet that blows kids’ little minds! And you don’t need much to dig for worms. Find an outdoor area where you can dig (a garden or near the edge of the woods is ideal). The best time to find worms near the surface is after a rain when the soil is moist. Give each kid a shovel or garden spade and encourage them to dig into the dirt.
If your kids are little, dig a hole for them. Once you have a large scoop of dirt, break it up gently with your fingers, carefully looking for worms. If you find a worm, gently let your child hold it in their palm and let the worm wiggle around. When you’re finished observing the worm, you can set it free in a garden, compost area or watch it return to the soil.
5. Put out hummingbird feeders
Hummingbirds are delightful and highly desirable backyard birds. No matter how many times you see one it is a thrill to watch these tiny birds flit around and drink from flowers and feeders. It’s a common misconception that just hanging a hummingbird feeder in your yard will attract flocks of hummingbirds. There’s actually a lot more that goes into getting hummingbirds to visit your feeder, but luckily it’s not too hard! The best, and easiest, way to attract hummingbirds is to plant their favorite nectar-producing flowers and plants. These plants are usually bright colors (hummingbirds especially love red flowers) and many have long, tubular blossoms.
Some flowers that attract hummingbirds are the trumpet vine, trumpet honeysuckle, bee balm, hollyhock, zinnia, and sage. Hang multiple feeders in a low activity area that is near the flowers you planted for them. Fill your feeders with homemade hummingbird nectar, which is basically just sugar water (no red dye). Hang a variety of feeders in various locations. Different hummingbirds may have a preferred feeder style, so choose a variety of types to cater to their preferences. Change the water out once a week and sit back and enjoy the hummingbird watching with your kids!
Feature image credit: @kristinvucinaphotography
6. Visit a tulip field
If you’re lucky enough to live close to somewhere with gorgeous tulip fields, then please make sure you visit this spring. Not only are these places absolutely spectacular photo opportunities, but they’re just magical places to experience! Make the most of out what spring has to offer and spend some time amongst the flowers!
7. Play disc golf
Playing Frisbee is a great alternative to traditional pitch and catch. The flat disc is usually much easier for kids to toss and catch. Throw one around at your local park and see who can throw it the farthest or with the most accuracy. Once you’ve gotten the hang on it, try your luck at disc golf! There are free courses all across the country and you don’t need much to get started. It’s easy enough to learn in a day (although much harder to master), but so much fun for the whole family!
Feature image credit: @ksenia_belanger
8. Go fishing
Fishing is a great activity that the whole family can enjoy and do nearly anywhere there’s water! If you’ve never fished before, do a little bit of research about what the fish in your area eat and when/where to go. Ask at a fishy friend or at a local bait shop. A lot of state parks will even provide fishing gear for the day for free! Trust me, it doesn’t get much better than seeing your child’s entire face light up when she/he lands a fish! Here’s a great post on how to raise kids that love to fish.
9. Mud faces on trees
Making forest faces is a fun and simple outdoor springtime activity that can be done anywhere there are trees. All you need is some thick mud (or clay) and a variety of natural items for decorations (leaves, moss, small sticks, stones, acorns, rocks, etc.) and an accessible tree. Press a big hunk of mud/clay onto the tree trunk, smoothing the edges down onto the bark. Add a selection of leaves and moss for the hair or crown of the face. Add acorns or rocks for eyes and nose. Maybe a stick for a mouth. Get as creative as you want! Hopefully, the faces will stay for a while for other people to enjoy, but there is the chance they may dry out and fall off, or wash off in the rain.
Feature image credit: @sunniemf
10. Chase a rainbow
Is there really a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? You’ll never know unless you find it! For a fun spring outdoor activity with kids, try chasing a rainbow! Next time you see one, go for a walk (or get in a wagon or even in the car) and try to chase down the end and find that pot of gold! Let the kids choose which way you go. Who knows where you’ll end up, but it’ll certainly be an adventure! And if you find the gold, make sure to share some with me!
11. Fly a kite
Spring is the perfect time to fly a kite! The months in spring tend to be windy, which is perfect kite-flying weather. Pick a location with a wide-open expanse of land and air, so you have plenty of room to chase your kite and not run into any obstacles. If you have more than one kid, give them each a kite and let them race them or challenge each other to kite acrobatics!
Feature image credit: @wildpoppies.and.wheatfields
12. Spring flower suncatchers
If you want a fun craft project to make with kids that will add some nature and color to your home, try making flower suncatchers. Start by collecting flowers that are bright and colorful. You can dry them flat under a book or try microwaving them in between fabric under a brick (I’ve heard this works well to preserve the color). Once flat and dry, seal the flowers between two pages of laminating paper or even between 2 pieces of glass (in a frame). Hang them in your window and let the sun shine through! Here’s a great tutorial for how to make flower suncatchers with kids.
13. Plant a tree
Spring is a great time to plant a tree. And planting a tree is easier than you might think! Once you’ve picked out your tree and your location, dig a hole that’s at least twice as wide as but no deeper than the rootball. You want to give the roots room to spread out — to help establish the tree. But you don’t want to dig deeper than the tree root ball. Sitting the tree too deep into the hole can cause water to pool around the trunk.
Place the tree in the hole, then begin backfilling with the soil that was removed from the hole. You want to evenly fill in the dirt all around the rootball. Pack in the soil around the tree root ball using your feet. Create a small ringed dam around the trunk of the tree to keep water closer to the root ball during the tree’s first days. Water the tree as soon as possible after planting it. And by water, I mean really soak it! Water thoroughly every day for the first 2 weeks. Then, cut back to watering once every couple days for the next several weeks. Finally, water the tree once per week for the rest of the first growing season.
Feature image credit: @sara_mccarty
14. Grill outside
In my opinion, almost all food tastes better when cooked outside over an open flame. Take advantage of the warmer weather and extra daylight by cooking dinner on the grill. Whether you’re grilling hotdogs, steaks, hamburgers or veggies, it’s guaranteed to taste amazing. And, if you’ve never tried to make your own pizza on the BBQ grill, what are you waiting for?! Buy some premade pizza dough (or make your own – it’s easy!) and your favorite pizza toppings. Have everything ready to go, then slide the crust on the grill for a few minutes. Flip the whole thing over and then add your pizza toppings while it cooks. Your grill can get much hotter than your oven, so it’ll make your crust extra crispy and delicious! And don’t forget the s’mores!
15. Press flowers
Flowers are popping up everywhere you look during the spring months! Take advantage of the abundance and preserve some for a cold rainy day. Collect flowers on a sunny day when they’re not wet or damp. Place the flowers between sheets of parchment or wax paper and lay a heavy book on top. Let the flowers dry for 7-10 days. Use the flowers for art decorations, cards, journals, luminaries or anything your heart desires! We’ve tried this flower press kit and made beautiful art!
Feature image credit: @sara_mccarty
16. Dandelion tea
Did you know that dandelions were healthy and delicious? Dandelions are packed with nutrients and antioxidants that can boost your health. You can make dandelion tea from the leaves, flowers, or roots of the plants, with the latter being the most common method. Herbal tea made with the flowers tends to be more delicate and sweet. Check out this post for all the details on how to make your own dandelion tea this spring.
17. Go green for St. Pat’s
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day this spring by going green for the day. How you choose to “go green” is totally up to you! Maybe that means wearing all green clothing head-to-toe! Perhaps you choose to eat and drink only green foods all day or for an entire meal. Maybe you simply choose to be extra eco-friendly (“green”) for the day and pick up litter or make crafts from recycled materials. There are so many fun ways to celebrate being green!
18. Explore a pond
Exploring ponds with kids is not only fascinating and fun, but it’s also educational! There’s so much to see, feel, observe and learn about around a pond. Technology and screen time cannot replace the hands-on lessons children learn just playing outside in the amazing classroom of nature. Ponds are a fascinating place, an ecosystem in their own right. They sustain entire life cycles of plants and animals in their own self-contained space.
In the summer they hum with life, providing a vibrant atmosphere to explore. From the birds and insects filling the air with song to the fish flashing by in the water and the bullfrogs calling just out of reach, they are a child’s paradise of discoveries. So grab a bucket and a butterfly net, and head to the pond together. Here’s a great post on all kinds of fun things you can do while exploring a pond with kids.
Feature image credit: @soulshinephotographer
19. Start seedlings in eggshells
Gardening has to be one of my all-time favorite springtime outdoor activities. I love everything about starting our garden every spring. One of our favorite things to do is start our plants from seeds in eggshells. All you need to do is save those eggshells from your breakfast (try to break just the tip of the shell off and pour out the egg). Fill the shell with potting soil and one seed. Push the seed down into the soil, but not too deep. Water the seeds and keep the soil moist (but not soaked). Put them in the egg carton (as a holder) in a sunny window and watch them sprout! When ready to plant, simply drop the entire egg into the soil. It will provide great nutrients and calcium for your plants.
Photo credit: @blackadventurecrew
20. Outdoor workout
Spring is a great time to workout outside with the kids. Bring them along on a run around the neighborhood. Do yoga together outside in the back yard. Take them to the local park and hit all the exercise circuits on the trail. Or plan your own outdoor circuit workout that you can do together and get them involved. Kids that see their parents being active are more likely to be active as well. Be an example and get out and sweat! Here’s a great post all about how to successfully exercise outdoors with kids.
21. Make a fairy garden
If you have little ones that into all things fairies and magic, you definitely need to add a fairy garden to your spring bucket list. Fairy gardens are easy to make and can be done in any way your heart desires. They usually contain a small house or door for your local fairy to use. Decorate as fancy as you want with lights, glitter, beads, rocks, decorations, etc. There are even companies that make adorable fairy garden kits to make it easy for you! Set up your fairy garden in a place your kids can access and let them get creative!
Feature image credit: @sara_mccarty
22. Egg hunt
You don’t have to celebrate Easter to do an egg hunt (change it to a painted rock hunt). We love taking the traditional indoor egg hunt outside and scaling it up! Our entire neighborhood participates in a giant front-yard egg hunt for the kids on our street every year. Each house hides 50 eggs and the kids run wild through everyone’s yard finding as many eggs as they can. Once they find the eggs, they spend the rest of the day (week) rehiding them for each other and doing it all over again! It’s the gift that just keeps giving.
23. Seed paper
Making seed paper is a great activity for kids any time of year. Spring is great though, because you can plant the paper right away (because kids love instant satisfaction). All you need is a bunch of recyclable paper (coloring book pages or newspaper), a blender, water, seeds and a screen. Shred the paper and soak it in water. Whip it up in the blender until it’s pulp. Mix in the seeds and then strain over a mesh screen. Once dry, you can cut into any shape you wan, write messages on them and give to friends and neighbors to plant! We’ve got a great post on how to make your own DIY seed paper with kids.
Feature image credit: @soulshinephotographer
24. Hatch baby chicks
Watching a chick hatch from an egg is one of the most amazing experiences. This activity requires a lot of prep work and planning, so it might not be suitable or possible for everyone. However, if you have chickens or know someone that will take the chicks after hatching, this experience is so worth it! A lot of classrooms hatch chicks as a lesson for the kids. Here’s a great post on everything you need to know and set up for your chick hatching experience.
25. Dandelion crown
Dandelion crowns are easier to make than you might expect! Not only are dandelions prevalent in the spring, but they’re completely free and fun! Start by collecting as many dandelions as you can. Make sure to keep the stems as long as possible. Wrap the second dandelion around the stem of the first and add the stem to the first stem. Add another and continue until you have enough flowers to wrap around your head like a crown. Use this dandelion crown pictorial for reference. Wear and enjoy!
26. Make a rain gauge
April showers are much more fun when you’re active in the rain. Get your kids excited about rain by making a rain gauge to monitor how much rain you’re getting. All you need is a mason jar (or other glass container) that you can write/paint on. Have your kids use a ruler and make marks on the glass for each inch of water. Place the rain gauge outside on a level surface away from overhead trees or awnings. After each rain, go out and check the gauge to see how much rain you got! Keep track of your findings in a nature journal or rain tracker chart. If you want more detailed instructions, plus a printable rain tracker, check out the DIY rain gauge in our shop.
Feature image credit: @sara_mccarty
27. Blow bubbles
While this activity may sound super simplistic, that’s the beauty of bubbles! No set up or planning involved. All you need is a wand and some bubble juice (water + soap) to entertain and excite kids. My little ones can blow, chase, catch and pop bubbles for hours! They never seem to get tired of bubbles. A good bubble machine is worth its weight in gold and delight kids of all ages (even adults have a hard time not trying to catch them!).
28. Grass whistling
Did you know you can turn a single blade of grass into a whistle? Start by picking a thick and wide piece of grass. Some varieties of lawn grass are better than others for this purpose. You might want to pick several blades of grass and experiment with different ones, since each one will whistle at a different pitch. If you’re uneasy with dirt, feel free to rinse the grass thoroughly to remove any dirt or possible pet urine. You can use dish soap if it makes you feel better. Pat or blog dry with a paper towel. Hold the blade of grass flat and stretched between your fingers. Gently press to your lips and blow lightly on the blade. If it doesn’t whistle right away, keep trying! You’ll quickly figure out the best way to do this and get the hang of it!
Photo credit: @rui4050
29. Make a flower lei
A lei can be any objects strung together with the intent to be worn. Leis can be made from just about anything…shells, paper, money, ribbon, candy, fabric. Most commonly they are made from fresh plants, such as flowers and leaves. All you need to make a lei: fresh flowers, large needle, waxed dental floss, and scissors. Gather your flowers, then cut the flowers off near the top of the stem. Cut a long piece of dental floss and thread it through your needle and tie off the floss so that it doesn’t slip out of the eye of the needle. Carefully thread the needle through the flower. Go from the stem through the middle of the flower and then gently move it down the floss.
Make sure to leave a few inches at the bottom of the floss. Continue stringing flowers until it’s the desired length and then tie off!
Feature image credit: @carrinlewis_photography
30. Plant a garden
While gardening with kids might sound like a lot of work and a bit of a time commitment, it doesn’t have to be! If you’re new to gardening, start small with just a couple of plants. There are plenty of fruits and vegetables that are easy to grow with kids. You also don’t need a huge amount of space. While a large plot is ideal, lots of plants can be grown in containers on your back porch or windowsill. We have a great post on all the benefits of gardening and everything you need to know to get started gardening with kids.
31. Flower paintbrush
Art projects are even more fun when you do them outside with natural materials. My kids love painting with flowers. We start by collecting various plants and flowers while hiking in our neighborhood or local park. We take them home and turn the flowers into paintbrushes by dipping them in paint and using them to color paper. The different shapes and textures of the flowers each create unique patterns. The kids love experimenting with various flowers and finding their favorites. We then let the flowers dry and make an arrangement of painted flowers to leave on our tabletop. They make a beautiful and colorful bouquet!
32. Hike & seek
Kids of all ages love to play hide and seek. There’s something so fun about coming up with clever hiding spots and the excited anticipation of waiting to be discovered that kids love! While normally played inside, we have a blast playing hide and seek outside, as well. Depending on your location, you’ll want to set boundaries ahead of time and explain to the kids anywhere that’s off-limits or out of bounds. Pay attention to where they’re hiding, but allow them the freedom to explore and get creative.
Feature image credit: @nicolejkolbe
33. Start a compost bin
Spring is a great time to set up and start a compost bin. Composting is a quick, easy and inexpensive way to eliminate food waste in landfills and help the environment. Plus, you end up with great fertilized soil for your gardens. You don’t need any fancy or expensive equipment either. A plain giant closed plastic container with a lid will work just fine (something like this). Drill some holes in the top and sides so your compost can breathe. To get your compost off to a good start, lay some ripped up cardboard or newspaper (black and white) in the bottom of the bin. Top that with some straw or leaves, then top that with some garden soil.
Now start adding your food scraps into your compost. The smaller the pieces you add, the faster you will have beautiful soil from it. Each time you add something to your compost pile, give a little stir. Things are decomposing when they’re giving off a lot of heat. If there isn’t any heat in there, your composting magic is not occurring. Make sure to balance your greens and brown (the ideal ratio is 25 parts browns to 1 part greens). For a big list of things you can compost, see this post.
34. Celebrate May Day
May Day (May 1) is an ancient spring festival in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s an astronomical holiday. It’s one of the year’s four cross-quarter days – a day that falls midway between an equinox and solstice. May 1st is between the March equinox and June solstice. There are so many fun ways to celebrate May Day with kids. A few ideas include: planting flowers or a tree, make a maypole with colorful ribbons to dance around, make personal flower baskets filled with petals/flowers to gift, make flower crowns or leis, have a bonfire, have an outdoor picnic, read poetry about spring or go on a nature hike.
Feature image credit: @lizbinder
35. Observe a pollinator
Teach your kids about the importance of pollinators this spring. Give them the task of watching and observing the flowers and plants in your backyard for bees and butterflies a few separate times. Then, ask the following guiding questions: (1) What types of insects or other animals are visiting which flowers? (2) Are some flowers visited more often or only by certain creatures? (3) Is there more activity at certain times of the day? (4) What kinds of paths do the insects take as they move among flowers? (5) Which types hover and which perch? (6) How do the flowers they visit seem designed to support these habits? (7) Does a mixed planting draw more different kinds of pollinators?
Once you’ve compiled your answers, research the plants and flowers that pollinators like best and set up your own pollinator garden or feeding station in your yard.
36. Cut the grass
If you have a traditional lawn that you cut with a lawnmower, chances are that there are quite a few places along the edges (or close to fences or rocks) that your lawnmower doesn’t get. Instead of taking a weed wacker to those spots, give your child a pair of scissors and let her practice her fine motor skills of cutting! Kids love helping out the adults and they love being in charge of things that are usually off-limits. On grass mowing days, let your child have a pair of scissors and help trim those hard to mow spots! She’ll not only put her hands to work and develop fine motor skills but feel like she’s helping and contributing to the family.
Feature image credit: @sara_mccarty
37. Spring nature hike
Hiking in the spring is so much fun! Not only do you avoid the heat, humidly, crowds and pesky bugs of summer, but you get to experience life reemerging in the woods in the spring. In the spring, the green is just beginning to reappear and the wildlife is incredibly active, leading to all kinds of close encounters with deer, squirrels, rabbits and birds. The leafs on the trees aren’t thick, so you can see long distances and easily spot flowers and animals. Just be sure to wear boots in case the trail is muddy! If you need advice, we’ve got a great post on how to get started hiking with kids.
Photo credit: @juelz_jourdan
38. Decorate a flower pot
Decorating a flower pot is a super fun and easy outdoor springtime activity for the kids. Start with a plain old terra cotta pot and let your kids decorate it however they want! They can cover it in stickers, paint it, draw on it with paint pens, markers or chalk. They could decoupage it or wrap it with ribbon. Anything goes! Once it’s fully decorated and ready, add soil and a plant for instant decoration. Let them keep it in their room or gift it to a friend, teacher or neighbor.
39. Tulip/daffodil study
When I was a kid I was always fascinated by things and wanted to take them apart. Plants and flowers especially. I remember picking flowers and carefully pulling them apart, picking off the petals, opening them up and trying to figure them out. My kids also love doing this. When daffodils and tulips pop up every spring, the kids get super excited. I always let them pick a few to take apart and check out. I give them a butter knife and a pair of scissors and let them explore! We talk about the parts of the plant and what each part does. They learn a lot and then leave the flowers alone the rest of the season.
Feature image credit: @kalliastivaktaki
40. Make mud pies
As parents, we see mud and only see a mess. But to children, mud is an abundant and attractive medium for creation, exploration and adventure. Mud is fun! Playing with mud engages all the senses, encourages creativity and creates long-lasting childhood memories. The art of making mud pies can be as elaborate as you’d like to make it and will entertain your kids for hours. Initially, just use whatever you have on hand (pie tins, bowls, pans, plates, etc.) and decorate with whatever they can find (flowers, leaves, sticks, grass, shells, etc.). You’ll be amazed at your children’s creativity and improve skills in decorating their creations.
41. Save a turtle
If you spend any time driving on country roads, you know that spring is a popular time of year to see turtles crossing the road. Turtles are on the move once the weather gets warm—but sometimes, a road or a highway stands between them and their destination. Speeding traffic and slow-moving turtles don’t mix, and many turtles are severely injured or killed on roads every year. Even if their shells are crushed, turtles can remain alive for days or even weeks in agonizing pain because they have such slow metabolisms.
If you see a turtle on or near a road, take action! If you happen to see a turtle in need, park in a safe place, put your hazard lights on, and make sure that traffic is clear before venturing out onto the road. Pick them up by grasping them firmly by both sides of the body, in front of their hind legs. Be careful not to drop them! If it’s a snapping turtle, gently push them from behind to safety with a blunt object. Always keep them moving in the same direction that they were headed. Do not try to make them change course, as they have a destination in mind and will simply try to cross the road again if placed back where they started from. Once they’re safe on the other side, leave them alone.
Feature image credit: @gretchennevin
42. Outdoor swing
Setting up a swing in the yard is a guaranteed way to keep the kids outside and entertained. Our neighbors have a net swing in their front yard and every kid on our block has spent countless hours out there playing. From tweens to toddlers, the kids are just fascinated by the swing! It’s such a simple thing, and yet so popular! This swing supports a few kids together and they have the best time pushing each other and giggling on that swing.
43. Start a nature collection
If you haven’t already, spring is a great time to start a nature collection. All you need is a sense of adventure and a place to store/display your collection. Anytime you venture out and find a cool discovery, add it to your nature collection! My kids have a great collection of all the fun things we’ve found over the past few years, which include feathers, rocks, shells, fossils, bird eggs, antlers, empty nests, bones, teeth, empty turtle shells, snakeskins, arrowheads, 4-leaf clovers, etc. The small rocks and shells get stored in a large glass vase. The rest of the stuff goes on a dedicated bookshelf in our living room so they can see and touch their findings.
Feature image credit: @raisingwildones
44. Have a spring picnic
An outdoor picnic is a great way to spend time outside no matter what the season. Spring is a great time for a picnic though, as it’s usually not too hot, there are fewer bugs and everyone’s extra ready to spend time outside. You can pack a picnic lunch at home and take it to your favorite outdoor location. Or swing through a drive-through or get carryout from your favorite restaurant. Heck, you could even have pizza delivered to you at the picnic location of your choice! No matter how you slice it, a picnic is a great outdoor springtime activity for kids.
Photo credit: @jhennyloouuu
45. Make wind chimes
I just adore the sound of wind chimes blowing in the spring breeze. And they’re surprisingly easy to make! You can make wind chimes out of sticks, shells, old silverware, stones, glass or anything else you can think of! My kids and I made some beautiful wind chimes from all the treasures we found on the beach last year (shells, driftwood, chunks of sand dollars, etc.). It’s a visible (and audible) way to remember our trip.
Feature image credit: @sara_mccarty
46. Set up a slackline
Slacklining is a perfect way for kids of all ages to hone balancing skills while spending time outside, building core strength and confidence. Slacklining is one of my kids’ favorite backyard activities and I’m blown away by how much time they spend on it daily, balancing, bouncing and playing games. This is a great beginner slackline kit and we’ve got an awesome post on slacklining with kids.
47. Create a treasure hunt
A treasure hunt is a super fun and creative way to spend some quality time outside with the kids in the spring. Help your kids come up with their very own treasure hunt in your backyard, neighborhood or local park. They’ll need to choose their treasure, figure out how/where to hide it, come up with a map and any clues they want to give. This is a great way for them to work on orienteering and map skills (X marks the spot). They’ll have to think analytically about clues and observations. They’ll work on writing skills by coming up with clever and descriptive clues that rhyme.
Feature image credit: @skye_taten
48. Outdoor yoga
Yoga helps us be more present and mindful and practicing yoga with kids outdoors is an excellent way for them to connect to the natural world. Anyone can help children enjoy the benefits of yoga and mindfulness outdoors. Incorporating fun poses with storytelling and adventure, children practicing yoga outside use all their senses to establish a link with nature and enjoy feelings of peace and connectedness. See our full post on incorporating yoga into outdoor nature play for all the details.
49. Make nature confetti
Making nature confetti is super fun for kids to do any time of the year! All you need to do is gather a bunch of colorful leaves, flower petals, etc. and a few different shaped punchers. Gather your materials and head home and start punching away. This project engages gross motor skills (walking around our neighborhood), fine motor skills (paper punching), and eye-hand coordination. After a large amount of confetti is made, the most fun part of the craft is tossing it in the air!
50. Stick magic wand
Create a magic wand out of materials you have at home for a fun project you can take outdoors into nature. All you need is a stick and ribbon scraps cut into similar lengths. Choose all different colors, widths, and patterns and tie them onto the stick. If your kids are old enough, encourage them to do this themselves, while little ones may need your help. Beware: magical wands can turn you into anything! Some can even be used to grant wishes! You never know what powers your child’s wand will possess.
Feature image credit: @michelerenephotography
51. Dance in the rain
When it finally starts getting warm enough to go outside barefoot without freezing, I love letting the kids out to dance in the rain! Feeling the rain coming down and playing in the puddles without shoes is an amazing sensory experience for kids. They feel the rain with their entire body, they smell it and taste it! Give your kids the opportunity this spring to dance in the rain with wild abandon! It’ll be something they always remember and hopefully the beginning of a lifelong love and appreciation of the rain.
52. Spring nature journal
Spring is a great time to start (or continue) a nature journal. A nature journal is a special book where your kids can record all the interesting things they see, smell, hear, feel, eat and wonder about, through the year. You can color, draw or paint what you see in your journal. You could try collecting leaves or petals off the floor and taping them into your journal. Photos are a great option too. Take them and then use them as collage items in your journal. Try asking kids to record what the weather looks like or to stand still and see what they can smell, see and hear on your walks. For more tips, our creative team member Jemma of Thimble & Twig has a great post on how to get started nature journaling with kids.
53. Pay it forward
Give your kids one of the greatest gifts ever – the gift of giving back! Make sure to pay it forward this spring by doing small outdoor acts of kindness anytime you can. Whether that’s putting a quarter in a row of meters, mowing a neighbor’s grass, giving a bouquet of flowers to a friend or walking the dog for an elderly neighbor. Work with your kids to come up with a list of things you could do together to pay if forward this spring.
Feature image credit: @svet_sky_ya
54. Admire a blossoming tree
One of my favorite things about spring are all the amazing blooms from flowers, bushes and trees. Cherry Blossoms and Dogwood trees are high up there on my list of favorites. Cherry blossom season lasts for about a month every spring and is always weather dependent early March to early April is a good rule of thumb. Most trees bloom for one to two weeks. The further South, the earlier the trees bloom. This branch of trees is largely for looks as opposed to fruit production. Ornamental cherry trees do produce fruit closely related to edible cherries, these trees are usually grown for their beauty.
The dogwood is a majestic ornamental tree, which has over 50 species within the genus. These species vary wildly, from shrubs to deciduous temperate trees and evergreens. One of the most common species, and the one about which you’ve most likely heard, is the Flowering Dogwood (the state tree of Virginia), which has conspicuous white to light yellow flowers that offer magnificent blooms in spring. If you have the chance, I highly recommend you and the kids take a minute to admire a blossoming tree in your area!
Photo credit: @arevook
55. Listen for woodpeckers
The Pileated Woodpecker is one of the biggest, most striking forest birds on the continent. It’s nearly the size of a crow, black with bold white stripes down the neck and a flaming-red crest. When you’re outside with the kids this spring, take some time to look and listen for Pileated Woodpeckers whacking at dead trees and fallen logs in search of their main prey, carpenter ants, leaving unique rectangular holes in the wood. The nest holes these birds make offer crucial shelter to many species including swifts, owls, ducks, bats, and pine martens. Pileated Woodpeckers sometimes visit backyard bird feeders, especially for suet. If you have dead or dying trees or snags on your property, consider leaving them alone as they may attract Pileated Woodpeckers (as well as other woodpeckers, nuthatches, etc.) to forage, roost or even nest in them.
56. Celebrate Earth Day
Earth Day is Wednesday, April 22. This year, celebrate Earth Day by reducing, reusing and recycling!! We love to recycle everyday items and reuse it in nature crafts. Paper towel tubes are fantastic for sowing seeds in, making into telescopes or a ton of other stuff. For crafting, we also use cereal boxes and we can even reuse milk jugs as watering cans. Use your imagination and try to reuse 10 items this week. It’s easy if you try.
Feature image credit: @soulshinephotographer
57. Have a barefoot day
Give your kids’ feet a break and have a barefoot day! Did you know that children who go barefoot frequently have a heightened sense of their surroundings and avoid sharp objects? Plus, feet toughen up the more they go barefoot, leading to more natural protection. Walking outside barefoot is recommended by many pediatricians and podiatrists for children and adults. Letting kids go shoeless as often as possible does wonders for foot and brain development. It helps develop and maintain an appropriate range of motion in the joints and strength and stability within the muscles and ligaments of the feet.
Forcing children’s feet to conform to the shape of a shoe will most likely result in permanent detrimental changes to the shape or construction of the foot. Walking barefoot also helps brain development as children learn to balance and develop other sensory systems in the body. Shoes reduce the amount and quality of sensory information kids get about their environment and body. Feeling the earth beneath their feet allows them to develop their somatosensory, proprioceptive, and vestibular sensory systems in ways that are not possible with shoes on!
58. Mushroom hunt
In my neck of the woods (the Midwest), spring is famous for bringing with it a delicacy that you can’t grow or get any other time of year – morel mushrooms! This elusive mushroom is prized for it’s tastiness, and can only be wildcrafted as no one has figured out how to grow them (yet). They come up in spring to early summer, depending on where you live, and are fairly widespread. Foraging for morel mushrooms can be difficult, as they usually blend in very well with their surroundings. But, once you get an eye for them, they seem to pop up everywhere! They like south-facing hillsides, and will typically be in the sunniest patches, where the ground is warmest.
They generally grow around the drip line of trees. And while they seem to prefer certain varieties of trees (ash, aspen, sycamore, oak, elm), there are no hard and fast rules on this. Also, they like disturbed forests and burned areas. Morels are one of the easiest mushrooms to identify. They have a pitted and deeply ridged cap that resembles a honeycomb. The cap is also completely attached to the stalk, and they are completely hollow when cut in half. There are a few varieties of “false morels”, so if you’re unsure, cut one in half to make sure that the cap is completely attached to the stalk and that it is hollow.
Feature image credit: @sara_mccarty
59. 4-leaf clover hunt
Need a little extra luck in your life? Try finding a four-leaf clover! All you need is a patch of clover and a will to find one – no prepping or planning involved. Keep your eyes peeled for that extra lucky leaf. And if you find one, chances are another will be close by! Check out our post for tips and advice on how to find a four-leaf clover with kids.
60 .Give a plant
Plants are one of my all-time favorite gifts to give and receive! There’s just something so hopeful and loving about giving a plant. My kids and I usually start seeds in the spring and I set a few aside to give to friends and neighbors. Our massive sunflowers have become quite popular on our street, as we’ve given plants to so many neighbors. We also plant some of our own homemade seed bombs in small pots and gift them to friends and teachers. Small succulents also make great gifts for coworkers and kids, as they don’t usually need a lot of attention to thrive. Help your kids pick a few plants to gift to loved ones this spring and let them get their hands dirty helping plant them.
61. Spring cleaning day
Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be the responsibility of the adults. Get the kids involved too with outdoor chores and projects for them. There are many outdoor chores that kids can help with, from toddlers to teens! A few of the chores my kids help with are: raking leaves out of the gardens, trimming hedges and branches, washing the outside of the house windows, spraying out the garage/driveway, pick up sticks, spray off the deck/patio, remove cobwebs, add mulch to flower beds and cleaning off toys and play equipment.
Feature image credit: @iammissymoore
62. Go for a bike ride
Biking with kids is a fun springtime adventure and a great way to get outdoors, explore new areas/trails, create family memories and get in shape. Riding a bike not only improves physical fitness, but it also benefits your child’s learning development and mental health. Plus, biking reduces carbon emissions, eases traffic congestion and eliminates parking problems. If you’re just getting started, we’ve got a great post with lots of tips for biking with kids.
63. Paint with mud
One of our favorite springtime outdoor activities is painting with mud. Mud is a wonderful medium for creating masterpieces, practicing writing letters or painting nature scenes. Sometimes we paint on poster board and sometimes we paint the sidewalk or even the fence in our backyard. Whether you use plain ole brown mud or get creative with color, your kids will love this new form of creating art! All you need is mud, powdered tempera (or liquid watercolor paint or food coloring), Dawn dish soap (optional), water, and some paintbrushes.
64. Set up a birdhouse
Many birds are facing habitat loss, which has driven some species away from former nesting areas. Help the birds in your neighborhood out by providing the right house to bring birds back home. We highly recommend doing a little research on the birds in your area and what kind of houses they prefer. Not all houses are equal and the ones that appeal to people might not be best for the birds. Find a house that is the right size, with the right size opening and place it in a safe place. If the hole is too big, it invites predators; rats and possums take the eggs. If the box is placed too low, snakes will get inside. Too big a hole also invites other (species of) birds to raid the nest. It’s a bird-eat-bird world out there!
Feature image credit: @sara_mccarty
65. Grow your socks
Want a super fun science project that teaches your kids and lets them get dirty? I’m sure you’ve all seen the project where you can grow a bean sprout in a plastic bag with a piece of cotton. Well, this is a fun new twist on that concept. Instead of growing seeds in a bag, grow your socks! All you need to do is let your kids run around outside with old wet socks on, getting as dirty and muddy as possible. This way they’ll collect the seeds directly from nature. When the socks are nice and filthy, take them off and place each one in a plastic bag. Tape the plastic bag to a window that gets a good amount of daily sunlight.
If the socks feel dry, add a small amount of water. Now all you have to do is wait for them to grow! See our post on how to grow your socks for all the details.
66. Play golf
Golf is such a fun outdoor activity for the entire family. My kids are really into golf these days and they can’t seem to get enough. We love going out and playing nine holes as a family at a public course. They love hitting the ball, but they also love driving around the golf cart. We also enjoy spending an hour hitting balls at the driving range. This is a great way to practice and get a lot of hits in! (less patience required) If you haven’t tried Top Golf, it’s also been a huge hit! There’s an extra element of challenge and competition, plus great food and drinks while you hit.
67. DIY butterfly wings
Looking for a really amazing and impressive (and yet not that hard) project to make with your kids? How about DIY butterfly wings that they can wear! This project is simpler than you might expect and guaranteed to make any little kid’s imagination go wild! They can be made from materials you probably already have in your craft closet and yard. For details on how to make these gorgeous wings, check out our friend Johanna’s post on woodlark.
Feature image credit: @soulshinephotographer
68. Go on a clean-up hike
We all know that we have to do our part to take care of the planet and it’s up to us to be good stewards of the environment and set an example for our kids. Next time you’re out exploring your favorite local trail (or even going for a walk around your neighborhood), take along a garbage bag and make an effort to clean up any trash or rubbish you find along the way. Chances are, you’ll be (unpleasantly) surprised at just how much trash has been discarded. Set a good example for your kids by cleaning up and explaining to them the importance of taking care of our surroundings and the environment.
Photo credit: @kidsdelmundo
69. Photo scavenger hunt
We love a good scavenger hunt! It’s one thing that we can do nearly anywhere and keeps the kids busy for a good long time. One of our favorite ways to get creative with this is to add a camera. I have an old point-and-shoot camera that I let the kids borrow and give them a list of things to find. You can choose to give them specific items (a flower, a pine cone, a fire hydrant) or be vague and let them get creative (something that smells, something prickly, something yellow). Instead of crossing the item off the list, they have to take a photo with/of it. They love being independent and responsible for the camera. I love seeing the funny photos and interesting items they choose to photograph.
Photo credit: @sage.and.summit
70. Visit a farmer’s market
In the spring, local farmer’s markets are teeming with really fun and interesting finds. Your local springtime farmer’s market harvest could include cherries, fiddlehead ferns, artichokes, dandelion greens, garlic, lemons, asparagus, beets, potatoes, mushrooms, and peas. Take your kids and introduce them to the vendors. Let them ask questions about where and how the food was grown. Let them taste free samples of fruits, veggies and baked goods. And then pick out a few items to take home for dinner! They’ll be more likely to eat the food if they had a say in choosing it. Here’s a great post all about exploring farmer’s markets with kids.
Feature image credit: @msmportraits_
71. Visit a botanical garden
Botanical gardens are some of the most magical, relaxing places and a great way to observe nature waking up in the spring. Strolling through the gardens, lounging in the great lawn, overlooking the lake and smelling the flowers might be the best way to decompress from the madness around you. Botanical gardens are also incredibly educational for children. There’s so much to learn about how plants thrive, why some plants change colors, what plants need, etc. Use an afternoon in the botanical garden to teach your kids about comparison (how plants are the same/different), observation (what does this plant look like) and appreciation (what can these plants do for us).
Photo credit: @blackadventurecrew
72. Run a 5K
If you want to add some extra outdoor exercise to your springtime activities, sign your family up for a 5K or family fun run! There are usually a variety of fun races in the spring (before it gets too hot) at various distances and with lots of fun themes for all ages. If you have little ones, let them try a 1-mile fun run. Sign the whole family up for a local 5K. Want a bigger challenge, what about a 10K or a half-marathon? With older kids, you could even do a relay. Most races usually have fun swag (t-shirts, etc.), prizes and a really fun ambiance. Not runners, sign your family up to volunteer at a water station to hand out water to runners. Who knows, maybe you’ll get inspired to join them next year!
Feature image credit: @sara_mccarty
73. Strawberry picking
One of my favorite outdoor activities to do in the spring with the kids is to pick strawberries. Every May (here in the Midwest), we visit a local orchard and gorge ourselves on those sweet juicy berries! It’s such a fun tradition and the kids are basically expert pickers by now. Make sure to wear plenty of sunscreen, as there’s little to no shade when picking strawberries. And boots, as it’s also usually pretty muddy! But freshly-picked strawberries right from the vine are worth it every time!
74. Play hopscotch
One of the most popular and easy outdoor games is hopscotch. Learning how to play Hopscotch is a great way for you to enjoy time outside this spring without having to go anywhere but your backyard. First, draw the grid you’ll be playing on. Usually, there are 8 blocks numbered 1 – 8. You can draw these sections in any way you choose.
For example, start with two next to each other, then one in the middle, then two again, etc. The player who goes first stands behind the starting block and throws his or her marker (a rock or coin) onto block 1. This player hops over square one to square two, pausing to pick up the marker and hop back to square one. Complete the grid by hopping down the rest of the blocks. The next turn, throw the marker in block 2 and continue the pattern. Remember to take turns! A player is out when he or she can’t throw the pebble in a square, when they lose balance, or when they touch the lines.
Feature image credit: @sara_mccarty
75. DIY seed bombs
One of our favorite springtime projects is to make DIY wildflower seed bombs. Not only are these DIY seed bombs easy enough for kids to make in under an hour, but they’re good for the birds, bees and butterflies in your area. They only require a few ingredients (seeds, water, dirt, clay) and have the added benefit of letting kids get their hands really messy! Make them and let your kids “bomb” the neighborhood or give them as homemade eco-friendly gifts to teachers, neighbors, family and friends. Everyone will love watching the bombs grow into a beautiful patch of colorful wildflowers. See our post for the recipe and all the details on how to make DIY wildflower seed bombs.
76. Visit a farm
This is a great time of year to visit a local farm, petting zoo, nature center or animal safari to learn more about the animals. We have quite a few farms in our area that give tours of the barnyard animals and let the kids interact with them (you can learn how to milk a cow, ride a horse and feed the chickens). We also have a wolf sanctuary and a drive-through elk park. And we have a bird rehabilitation center and a number of petting zoos. Chances are good that you have something like one (or more) of these in your area. Look at the local attractions in your area and ask your kids which animals they’d be most interested in learning more about.
77. Play catch
With opening day of baseball season right around the corner, spring is a great time to get outside and practice your pitch and catch skills. All you need is a ball and a glove! Throw the ball back and forth or around in a circle (if you have more than 2 players). Practice catching pop flies and bouncing grounders. This a great way to develop a skill and get some outdoor exercise and fresh air.
Feature image credit: @il_etait_un_clic_pro
78. Read outside
I’m of the opinion that almost everything is better when you’re outside and immersed in nature. That’s definitely true for one of my favorite past times…reading! If your kids are old enough to read on their own, create a comfy and shady spot for them to read outside. If your kids are little, try having storytime outside together and reading to them as they lounge on a blanket or in a hammock.
79. Raise butterflies
Watching a tiny caterpillar grow and then turn into a butterfly is truly one of the most spectacular miracles of nature. Give your children a chance to experience this incredible metamorphosis themselves by finding (or purchasing) caterpillars and watching them change. Make a habitat for your caterpillars where you can feed and observe them. Make sure it includes plants they like to eat and a place for them to cocoon. Watch the metamorphosis right in front of your eyes! Finally, releasing the butterflies into the wild is a memorable moment they won’t soon forget. See our post on raising butterflies from caterpillars for more info.
Feature image credit: @river.rascal
80. Climb a tree
Climbing trees is a great way for kids to experience “risky” play, with great rewards. One of my favorite writers, Linda McGurk wrote: “Tree climbing has real benefits for kids – physically, mentally, cognitively and socially. Just think about it. As your child scales the tree he’s building muscle strength, practicing gross motor skills such as balance and improving spatial awareness and proprioception. When he decides which branches are safe to stand on and how high to go, he’s learning how to judge risk and developing critical thinking skills.
As he plans his path up through the limbs, he’s gaining decision-making and problem-solving skills, and if things don’t go according to plan, he gains emotional strength and resilience by trying again. When he successfully negotiates the branches, he feels a sense of accomplishment, which in turn boosts his self-confidence.”
81. Attend a baseball game
Particularly if you’re in the US, nothing says summer quite like baseball season! If you can, attend a baseball game with your kids. Whether it’s a professional MLB game, a minor league team, a high school game or just a little league team at your local town’s baseball fields, watching a baseball game is a great way to spend a summer evening. Root root for the home team and enjoy those peanuts and cracker jacks!
82. Draw flowers/buds
Break out the watercolor paints or colored pencils and sketch those spring flowers. Spring is a great time to introduce art and drawing to your children. Get them a sketch pad and let them draw the spring flowers they find in your yard or local park. There are a ton of great books, journals, tutorials and online resources for teaching kids how to draw if your little ones want to get better. If you’re not much of an artist either, maybe you can learn along with the kids!
Feature image credit: @sara_mccarty
83. Release ladybugs
If you’re growing a garden this year, consider adding a few hundred/thousand friends to the party! Each spring we release 1,500 ladybugs into our garden and it’s such a fun experience. My kids love it and I’m hoping this is something you can experience with your kids, too. Ladybugs are wonderful for gardens because they’re capable of consuming up to 50 to 60 aphids per day! They will also eat a variety of other insects and larvae including scales, mealy bugs, moth eggs, leafhoppers, mites, asparagus beetle larvae, whitefly and various types of soft-bodied insects.
Releasing ladybugs into your garden is a really fun way to get kids interested in gardening and teach them about this amazing insect. We’ve got a great post filled with all kinds of fun ladybug facts for kids below, plus tips on how to gently and effectively release ladybugs into your garden and how to get started gardening with ladybugs.
84. Make fruit smoothies
There’s no better way to get your kids to eat healthy foods than by letting them be a part of the process. Kids can be involved in every step, growing their own food to harvesting/picking their own fruits and veggies and helping out in the kitchen. Even if you’re not growing your own food, let kids help pick out fruits and veggies from the grocery store or farmer’s market. Make fruit and veggie smoothies together with your selections. Kids love being involved and are much more likely to eat healthy if they’re part of the decision making process.
Feature image credit: @sara_mccarty
85. Make a stepping stone
Decorate your garden, lawn or walkway with beautiful concrete stepping stones that your kids made and decorated. All you need is a mold, some concrete mix and any decorations you want to use. Try colored stones, shells, glass or beads. Let them add their own items such as army men, marbles, trinkets, coins, etc. You could even buy a stepping stone mosaic kit with all this stuff included, just to make it easier on you. Add water to the concrete mix, pour in the mold and let the kids decorate. It takes a few days for the stones to completely dry and solidify, but you’ll have a forever keepsake of this season.
86. Host a field day
As the weather gets warmer, it’s time to get outside and active with the family. Do you remember how much you looked forward to field days when you were a kid, with three-legged races and egg-on-a-spoon competitions? If you have a big backyard or live near a public park or schoolyard, host your own field day for your family. Field days aren’t just for kids either—invite over the grandparents and cousins and ask other families in the neighborhood to join in on the fun.
Plan the games ahead of time and get everything set up before everyone arrives. Make games out of basic household items and add a few of those ‘Minute to Win It’-style games with things you find around the house. Mix it up so there’s something for everyone with scavenger hunts, races, art projects, sports, etc. Add some fun music and serve snacks and beverages for a great day of games!
87. Create a putt-putt course
You don’t have to hit the links when a golf course could be right in your own backyard. Using ordinary household objects to construct the course – like cereal boxes, cardboard tubes, and books – you can create this fun and challenging 9-hole miniature golf game the whole family will enjoy. Here’s a great post with all kinds of awesome ideas for creating your very own DIY putt-putt course in your backyard this spring.
Feature image credit: @paraphrasephoto
88. Make naturally dyed eggs
If you’d like to dye eggs with your kids this spring, but don’t want to use processed food dyes, try making your own dye from all-natural ingredients! Here’s a great post on how to use natural household ingredients to dye your eggs all kinds of beautiful colors. We walk you through our easy process using household ingredients from your backyard, fridge and pantry like blueberries (blue), beets (pink), turmeric (yellow), onions (orange) and cabbage (green/blue).
89. Look for frogspawn
Late spring is the perfect time to look for frogspawn and raise tadpoles. Check out your local pond and see if you can find some frogspawn to collect and bring home. You can place it in a tank of pond water at home with a few large stones in it. Over the next few weeks, watch as the frog spawn hatch into tadpoles and slowly change over the space of a few weeks into tiny little froglets. Once they are fully grown, be sure to release them back to the pond where they were collected. Check out our post all about raising tadpoles with kids.
90. Make a windsock
These tissue paper windsocks are a great way to add some color to your patio and let your kids decorate their environment in a fun way! Plus they are also an affordable craft that all your kids can enjoy as tissue paper can be found in several colors at your local dollar store. All you really need to make a tissue paper windsock is tissue paper, construction paper, glue, scissors, and yarn. Here’s a super cute tutorial on how to make a tissue paper windsock with your kids.
Feature image credit: @sara_mccarty
91. DIY bird feeder
Attract some local birds into your backyard by setting up a bird feeder. It’s easier than you think to make your own DIY bird feeders with your kids. We’ve got a great post on how to make easy bird feeders for kids with items and ingredients you already have at home and another post on ec0-friendly bird feeders to make with kids.
92. Fly a flag
June 14 is Flag Day in the US, which commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States on June 14, 1777 by resolution of the Second Continental Congress. Spend a little time with your kids this spring learning about flag day and the symbolism behind our flag. Celebrate by making some flag crafts and flying the stars and stripes.
93. Make a kaleidoscope
A kaleidoscope is a fun project to make with kids. You can either make it entirely on your own or start with a kit. We tried this Nature Kaleidoscope Kit which comes with everything you need to make the kaleidoscope, decorate it and experiment with it. The three mirrored pieces are sturdy and fit together easily. Just peel the plastic coating off (to prevent scratches) and use a piece of tape to keep them together in the triangle shape. Insert the eyepiece in one end of the tube, then the mirrors, and finally, add the plastic container with your nature objects at the other end.
The instructions were super easy to follow and my son assembled the whole thing by himself. This also got the kids thinking about which items they could find in nature or around the house to put in the kaleidoscope and had them guessing about whether the light would pass through them or not. Here’s our post all about how to make a nature kaleidoscope with kids.
Feature image credit: @kaseyfanucchi
94. Paint with rain
If you’re in need of a rainy day art project, this is for you! Get outside and make some April showers art by painting with the rain! All you need is some fairly thick paper, which can cope with getting wet, watercolor paints, paintbrushes, a few rocks to hold your paper in place and a rainy day. Start by painting an abstract design of your choice on your paper using your watercolor paints of a few different colors. You might like to place your paints very close together, or space them out – or try both and see what different effects you can create.
Be generous with your watercolor paints, and keep them liquid, adding plenty of water to blend the colors from your palette. While the paint is still wet, quickly take your paper outside. Use some rocks to hold the corners of your paper in place. Watch as the raindrops paint/change your picture, splattering your colors, making your paint spread and flow, perhaps blending one section of your art into another.
95. Seed sorting
When you’re discussing gardening with your kids this spring, add seed sorting project to your bucket list. All you need are a few different types of seeds and a few containers for holding them. Chose seeds that would likely be familiar to your kids (apple, pumpkin, corn, beans) and then throw in a few less recognizable ones for a challenge. Have your kids sort the seeds into containers using tweezers (to help develop those fine motor skills). While you’re at it, talk about the different kinds of seeds and how each plant grows. When you’re all finished, plant a few!
Feature image credit: @turtledove.a
96. Collect wild garlic
Wild garlic is a leafy green herb that emerges each spring from the forest floor, filling the entire area with a soft garlicky scent. The plant is composed of a tiny bulb that sprouts tender green leaves in early spring and then later on white flowers emerge. You can pick and eat both the leaves and flowers from plants you find growing in the wild but don’t dig up the plant or bulb up unless it’s growing on your own property. Collect the leaves and flowers of wild garlic to eat raw in salads or cook them down like spinach and make pesto. This is perfect for pasta dishes and it can be frozen in ice cube trays to use later in all sorts of meals. It has a subtle garlic flavor that is wonderful!
97. Hula hoop
Like jumping rope, hula hooping seems to be a lost art of childhood. Make sure your kids get the chance to experience the thrills and fun of a hula hoop. Watching kids learn how to hula hoop is absolutely adorable and worth the nominal price of a hoop. Play games, like who can keep it going the longest, who can make it go up and down their body or who can jump through it as it rolls down the sidewalk!
Feature image credit: @i_am_samhaines
98. Set up a hammock
Get your outdoor space ready for warm afternoons by setting up a hammock. Hammock naps are the perfect way to spend warm summer days. But until then, hammocks are also a great place to play, read a book, snuggle and spend time together. If it’s not warm yet, bring out a blanket and wrap up together in your hammock.
99. Insect hunt
There are so many interesting insects to find and learn about in the spring months. Take advantage of the warm weather by going on a bug hunt! See how many bugs you can find in your own backyard, local park or on a hike! Kids love finding crickets, caterpillars, ladybugs, grasshoppers, Junebugs, dragonflies, centipedes, butterflies and stinkbugs! If your kids are up for it, let them hold them and gently observe. Or take a photo of each or sketch them in your nature journal.
Feature image credit: @desireemacke
100. Sidewalk chalk games
There are so many fun ways to play with sidewalk chalk. We’ve already mentioned playing hopscotch, but there are plenty more! How about a game of four-square (do you remember that one)? What about hangman, tic-tac-toe or Dots. Make a bullseye and toss pebbles into the middle. If you’ve got a lot of kids in the neighborhood, make a friendship quilt by drawing a huge square and dividing it up into multiple smaller squares and letting each kid decorate their own patch. Draw the alphabet in big bubble letters and fill in each letter with words or pictures of things that start with that letter. Have your child lie down on the sidewalk and draw their chalk outline (like a crime scene) and then let them decorate their person.
Make an obstacle course or maze to walk or ride your bike on. There are so many fun ways to play with sidewalk chalk, which makes it a perfect outdoor springtime activity for kids. You can even make your own sidewalk chalk paint!
101. Sinks or floats
One of my kids’ favorite things to do is throw things in the water. They usually throw rocks, but they’re not opposed to tossing anything else in that they can find. When we’re out and exploring around water, we play the “sink or float?” game. Everyone finds a variety of objects to throw in the water and then we all guess whether they will sink or float. We’ve tried all kinds of things like sticks, seed pods, feathers, leaves, nuts, grass, pinecones, flower petals, etc.
Feature image credit: @christiebauerphotography
102. Watch a sunset
Spring is a wonderful time to curl up in a blanket and watch a sunset together. Since the days are just starting to get longer, sunset comes at a reasonable time for little ones to watch without staying up too late. Plus, the cool weather, the pops of green coming out of the trees and the smell of rain make it even more magical.
103. Outdoor family game night
Enjoy the cooler weather and create a family tradition of playing games outdoors in the fall! Whether it’s a traditional board game (like Monopoly or Life), a fun family card game (like Uno or Go Fish) or something a bit more interactive (charades or Pictionary), games are great outdoor activities. This is my personal favorite family game (and this i-spy game is my kids’ favorite).
104. Climb a wall
Climbing walls are all the rage at playgrounds and parks these days. Make a special visit to check one out this spring and let your kids attempt to conquer it. They’re super fun and exciting for kids and great for their full-body senses, balance, strength, and agility.
What’s your favorite outdoor spring activity for kids?
5 responses to “100+ Spring Outdoor Activities for Kids”
[…] are many creative ways to keep kids outside and off screens. Here are some of the most innovative and classic activities […]
[…] 100+ Spring Outdoor Activities for Kids (Run Wild My Child) […]
I would would have liked to see a diverse group of children outside enjoying the variety of outdorr activities.
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[…] So go ahead, step outside, and embrace the natural world’s wonders right at your doorstep. Here is an article which has various options for educational outdoor activities for […]
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